Daily Archives: March 4, 2015


Business Midwife

Meriwether Group founder and CEO David Howitt guides entrepreneurs as they “birth newness into the world.” With more than 20 years in product development, branding and business strategy for both start-ups and Fortune 100 companies, David knows how to help dreamers bring their ideas to fruition. Following graduation from Lewis & Clark Law School, he…


Biz Ins and Outs

OAJC moves mission to federation The Oregon Area Jewish Committee has integrated its mission-related activities into the newly named Jewish Community Relations Council (formerly the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland’s Community Relations Committee). Recognizing that being an independent organization was becoming increasingly unsustainable, the OAJC leadership explored several different models before proposing an “organizational integration”…


JTC Brings Little-Known History to Audiences

The Jewish Theatre Collaborative has once again brought a little-known story of Jewish history to life with its Page2Stage season focused on a novel, The Ministry of Special Cases. “Part of our vision is to open up parts of the Jewish world we are unaware of,” says JTC founder Sacha Reich. “For our Page2Stage productions…


White Bird Presents New Voices in Israeli Dance

Portland has a reputation for the vibrancy and diversity of its dance scene, and fans of contemporary dance in particular have long known something Portland’s Jewish community may be only just now discovering: Israel is a hotbed of bold, innovative and critically acclaimed contemporary dance. What’s more, you don’t have to travel to Israel to…


Art is in the Air: March is Jewish Art Month

Whether intentional or not, Oregon is awash in both visual art and performance art with Jewish themes during Jewish Arts Month, an annual educational initiative sponsored by the American Guild of Judaic Art in March. On the visual arts side, ORA-Northwest Jewish Artists once again has planned a celebration of JAM. Artists will display their…


Taste of Temple and the City

A capacity crowd of more than 500 people filled the space at Castaway on Feb. 8 to truly get a Taste of Temple. Congregation Beth Israel’s fourth annual friendraiser and FUNdraiser brought together a dynamic and multifaceted committee. CBI clergy (Rabbi Rachel Joseph, Rabbi Michael Cahana and Cantor Ida Rae Cahana, right, embrace chairs Tony…