

Passover 2020 Survival Guide

The best-known quote from the Pesach Haggadah is, “why is this night different from all other nights?” This year, this quote takes on a whole new meaning. With the pandemic of COVID-19 running rampant, large gregarious family seders will be replaced with small intimate gatherings consisting of those who reside under the same roof. We…


Tips for a pleasurable Passover

Passover, which begins this year at sundown on March 30, is one of the most widely observed Jewish holidays. Every year families gather around the seder table to celebrate their Jewish heritage and commemorate the freedom of the Jewish people from Egyptian slavery and their Exodus from Egypt more than 3,000 years ago. Often Jewish…


New melody and new question for Pesach

PHOTO: Yonatan Razel at the piano, his instrument of choice. PHOTO BY OHAD ROMANO     As I was thinking about the upcoming Passover preparations, two distinct thoughts entered my mind. This year, I want to share two recommendations for Passover. 1) We all have our favorite Passover seder melodies. If we are guests at a…


Local chefs share Passover creations

To help our readers enjoy a tasty week of Passover meals, we asked some local chefs and bakers to share their Passover favorites. Following are some recipes to consider whether you want a traditional Passover dish such as matzah ball soup or a fresh idea for tantalizing your taste buds during a week without chametz….