Articles by Mylan Tanzer


Let the IDF do its job

Immediately following the Six-Day War I doubt anyone thought the West Bank, seized in the fighting with Jordan, which occupied it at the time, would still be largely held by Israel nearly 50 years later. (I am not referring to people whose religious beliefs regard the conquering of Judea and Samaria, the historical birthplace of…


Mourning Moti Kirshenbaum

One day after his 76th birthday, the dean of Israeli satire, Moti Kirshenbaum, died suddenly of a heart attack. This column is dedicated to him – not only for his groundbreaking role in introducing political satire into Israeli society and creating Israeli television, but for his long, exceptional and diverse career that became, as one…


Israel’s Spring is Full of Surprises

There were three big surprises over the last month. Not necessarily in this order, the first was the almost weeklong storm and cold spell in mid-April, only the third such occurrence since records have been kept. Some Shalom Aleichem-inspired web pranksters launched a convincing story claiming the Chief Rabbinate had miscalculated the Jewish calendar, and…

Where's the money?

While Israel is naturally concerned by the ever-present dangers that hover over us, the inequitable social burden and the direction of Israeli society have become so omnipresent in our daily life that they pre-occupy Israelis more than the prospect of Iranian weapons grade uranium or Palestinian missiles and terror. Those concerns drove Yair Lapid to…