Tagged books


The inspiration behind, “OK, Little Bird”

The Evolution and Inspiration of OK, Little Bird by Deena Goldstein  On the first page of OK, Little Bird, readers are immediately catapulted into laughter at a seemingly inappropriate moment. And, therein, becomes the tempo and pacing of the book. Ok, Little Bird flips the expected on end and leaves readers both laughing and tearful….


This summer, get lost in a book

  I don’t know if it’s the slower pace or the thought of curling up outside with a book by the pool (or beach!) that sounds so delightful, but there is something about summer and reading that goes together. Also, aren’t we all a little sick of binge-watching TV by now? Following are some books…


Doctor’s debut novel explores Israel in 1970s

Leo M Rozmaryn grew up in the religious Zionist/Modern Orthodox Jewish community.  He attended high school in Israel. Now a reconstructive hand and microvascular surgeon, Dr. Rozmaryn frequently visits to Israel. He brings a lifetime of experience and scholarship to the writing of his debut novel Lone Soldier, an epic tale of romance, mistaken identity,…


Advice from the past: Relax

A high school teacher for 38 years, David Greene taught kids that history is a series of slices of time lived by people – not just a series of dates, events and leaders. As the author of He Could Make Words Sing, he shares the stories of his father-in-law, Harry Greissman, and his journey through…

Check out these Oregon Jewish authors for summer reading

Aftermath, by Scott Nadelson, Hawthorne Books, $15.95 The characters in Aftermath are living in the wake of momentous events – the rupture of relationships, the loss of loved ones, the dissolution of dreams – and yet they find new ways of forging on with their lives, making accommodations that are sometimes delusional, sometimes destructive, sometimes…