Daily Archives: October 2, 2018



PHOTO: On his second JNFuture mission to Israel, Dan Spear visits the tree he planted on his first mission the year before.   Following a rather common path for Jewish teenagers, Dan Spear “dropped out” of organized Jewish life after his bar mitzvah in New Jersey. Then he planted a tree in Israel. Now 39,…


Quartet plan extraordinary community trip

PHOTO: PDX→Israel 2020 Co-chairs Priscilla Kostiner, Michael Weiner, Tony Kostiner and Kathy Davis-Weiner  toured Israel in March hunting for exciting experiences and spectacular sights to share with some 500 participants who they hope will join them for the trip of the century in March 2020. Kathy Davis-Weiner, Michael Weiner, and Priscilla and Tony Kostiner co-chaired…


Biz Ins & Outs October 2018

Michael Jeser leaves Portland to head San Diego Federation Jewish Federation of Greater Portland’s Michael Jeser has been named president and CEO of the Jewish Federation of San Diego. Michael has served JFGP as director of financial resource development for the past 2½ years. Michael concluded his work at JFGP on July 27. “Michael has…


Fall trends to fall for

A new season means a new excuse to try your hand at the most fabulous fall trends. But if you’re someone who usually stays true to your own unique style, and shies away from the hot new fashions, then you’ll be interested in the most wearable trends of the season. Bold Color Fall means cooler…


Breath and urine tests can detect breast cancer early

“We’ve now shown that inexpensive, commercial electronic noses are sufficient for classifying cancer patients at early stages.” ~ Professor Yehuda Zeiri, Ben-Gurion University   Researchers have discovered that exhaled breath and urine samples can provide a fast and inexpensive breast cancer diagnosis. This early and accurate breast cancer screening is being done using commercially available…