Daily Archives: October 2, 2018


Facing a gray divorce

We are all used to the saying, “50% of marriages end in divorce,” but recent research pins the figure between 42-45%. The main contributing factor seems to be that fewer people are getting married. Many are opting to live together instead of tying the knot. There is one demographic, however, where divorce rates seem to…


Embrace food restrictions and get creative

Every year I look forward to the end of summer when the temperature returns to comfortable instead of stifling. I can finally turn off the central air conditioning that my husband and I constantly fight about. I believe that just because it is 90 degrees outside, my home doesn’t have to feel like the inside…


Chef Sarah Schneider in high demand

PHOTO: Sarah Schneider. Photo by Cheryl Juetten California-born chef Sarah Schneider took a circuitous route to end up in Portland. After growing up in San Francisco, she moved here to attend culinary school, but soon found herself back in the Bay Area, where she worked at famed restaurant Foreign Cinema. “(Chef) Gayle Pirie helped me…