Daily Archives: January 1, 2014

Northwest Nosh: Handmade Pasta

As the days grow colder, nothing satisfies quite like a hearty bowl of pasta. Accanto, a cozy trattoria on Southeast Belmont, pleases patrons with an assortment of handmade Italian noodle dishes. Although the menu changes according to the availability of seasonal and local ingredients, pasta is always served. This winter the restaurant offers a $10…


Scholar Nehama Leibowitz inspired love of Torah

Nehama Leibowitz – Morah/Teacher (1905-1997) That is the inscription on the tombstone of Nehama Leibowitz, a master Torah scholar and teacher. Nehama, as she was commonly referred to, was born in Riga, Latvia, in 1905 to Orthodox/Zionist parents who spoke Hebrew to their children. Learning was extremely important in the Leibowitz family, and private tutors…


Jeremy Ben-Ami speaks on the two-state solution

First and foremost, J Street founder and President Jeremy Ben-Ami wants everyone to know that “We believe in the right of the Jewish people to a national homeland in Israel, in the Jewish and democratic values on which Israel was founded, and in the necessity of a two-state solution.” Ben-Ami and Carmi Gillon, the former…



A Portland teen’s d’var Torah on marriage freedom has gone viral, getting more than 100,000 hits in its first two weeks online. Duncan McAlpine Sennett, who became a bar mitzvah at Congregation Beth Israel on Nov. 9, delivered his d’var Torah about parashat Vayetzei, which details Jacob’s marriage to Leah and Rachel. Duncan notes that…

MLK Shabbat Jan. 17

Congressman John Lewis, representing Georgia’s 5th District, will be the featured guest speaker at Congregation Beth Israel’s annual MLK Shabbat service, at 6 pm, Jan. 17. Since 2007 Beth Israel has collaborated with local African American communities to present this lecture and Shabbat service honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The son of Alabama sharecroppers,…