Comedian Shawn Pelofsky -Activism through Comedy

By Masada Siegel

Standing strong for Israel is not the first time comedian Shawn Pelofsky, who has received death threats for her activism, has stood in the line of fire. She was one of the first female comics to perform in Afghanistan after Sept 11.

“When I told my parents that I was going to Afghanistan, my father was very upset because he served in the US Navy as a medic in Vietnam and he begged me not to go,” Pelofsky, always one to make people laugh recalled,“He said, ‘I will pay you what they are paying you.’ I said, ‘Dad this is not about the money, this is about what is right. But while we are on the topic, can you give me ten grand?’”

After October 7, Pelofsky, who lives in Los Angeles, was shaken to the core about the Hamas massacre and the subsequent revolting response of antisemitism exploding all over the world.

“I’ve been in the dark and so naive. I grew up Jewish in Oklahoma where I was always embraced for my heritage by friends from all walks of life.” She explained. “I did not realize how rampant antisemitism is, and since I did not see it in the South, you can imagine how shocked I was to find such overwhelming hate in Los Angeles.”

Pelofsky is one of only a handful of Hollywood personalities who has been outspoken on social media, consequently, she has faced an endless amount of cyber-bullying and antisemitic rhetoric. In every single live performance since October 7, she is unabashedly unafraid to speak her truth and educate her audiences.

“This is the time to speak up. Have those uncomfortable conversations with your friends and neighbors. Most don’t understand why anti-Zionism is anti-semitism. They are silent because many don’t know the history of the Middle East and Israel’s right to exist.” Pelofsky explained. “I have helped some people see the bigger picture. Unfortunately, I have also lost “friends”. Ironically, most of them are from marginalized communities themselves. Believe me, there is no bigger disappointment than when someone like myself who has marched for many different people’s rights and is a pillar to the LGBT community, does not get the support that should be reciprocated.”

Pelofsky takes every opportunity to use her voice each time she steps on stage to combat antisemitism.

“I immediately bring the topic of anti-semitism to the forefront. And with humor, it’s easier to disarm people and then educate them. There is a delicate balance, but I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I didn’t use this G-d given platform to encourage people to speak up against hate.” Pelofsky joked as she explained, “Also, when the whole audience is focused on how I look like Streisand’s doppelganger, the subject of me being Jewish, whether you want to hear it or not, is going to come up. And you have no choice but to listen.  I’m the one with the mic. You’re on my territory now.”

Pelofsky explained how surprised she was that the majority of Jewish artists, producers and directors in Hollywood remain silent.

She asked, “What are they afraid of? Losing followers? That’s just revolting at a time when most of the world is championing Extreme Islamism. And what makes those Jewish people who remain silent or even worse are the Jews who are pro-Palestine and speaking against their own kind? Silent or not, none of us will be standing if this anti-Semitism continues to escalate.”

Pelofsky always speaks her mind. Her message to people everywhere is to be active, contribute to Jewish organizations and stand strong.

“Be loud and proud. Do not hold your head down. Together we are stronger. When we say “Never Again”, we mean NEVER AGAIN!”