Tagged High Holidays


Israelis take to the streets on Yom Kippur

  By Haim Silberstein At Yom Kippur, Israel grinds to a halt. For 25 hours, schools, restaurants and businesses shut down, roads empty out as driving is prohibited, and there are no buses, no trains, and no planes. Known as the Day of Atonement, it’s the holiest day in the Jewish calendar when religious Israelis…


OU Women’s Initiative Launches Program for High Holidays

  The Orthodox Union’s (OU) Women’s Initiative has launched its virtual Yemei Ratzon program offering ideas and inspiration in preparation for the upcoming High Holidays. The program offers shiurim by world-renowned Torah scholars and a month-long learning series on Teshuvah, Tefillah, and Tzedakah.  The shiurim series features a series of lectures on Selichot night August…