Tagged campus


The ADL-Hillel Campus Antisemitism Survey: 2021

  A new survey conducted for Hillel International and ADL (the Anti-Defamation League) found that antisemitism is a looming and present threat for Jewish college students, with one in three students personally experiencing antisemitic hate directed at them in the last academic year. The nationally representative survey also found that most students who experienced antisemitic…


Stanford Federal Complaint Alleges Anti-Semitic Workplace

  Jewish employees at Stanford University have experienced severe and persistent anti-Jewish harassment, according to a complaint filed with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH). The complaint, which was announced on June 15, alleges that Stanford University’s Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) division has created and…

Young adults combat anti-Israel activities on campus

According to the Institute for Jewish and Community Research, Jewish college students have faced rising levels of anti-Semitism on campuses across America over the last decade. The IJCR, an independent, non-partisan think tank that provides research and policy analysis on a broad range of Jewish issues, recently conducted the study, “Alone on the Quad: Understanding…