Articles by Gail Mandel


OJCF’s enduring commitment to camp

PHOTO: BB Campers do a philanthropy exercise. Knowing that Jewish overnight camp plays a big role in kids’ and teens’ Jewish identity, the Oregon Jewish Community Foundation and our youth foundation consistently support our local camps – B’nai B’rith Camp and Camp Solomon Schechter. This support is varied but with the common goal to enable…


Giving Circles Make an Impact

PHOTO: OJCF’s Giving Council in 2017   What is a giving circle? Essentially, a giving circle is a group of people who come together to pool their charitable dollars and decide together where to donate their money. Pooling contributions enables individuals who might not be able to make a significant contribution on their own to…


Carol Danish Honored at OJCF’s Annual Meeting

Photos by Naim Hasan Photography By Gail Mandel   More than 120 people joined the Oregon Jewish Community Foundation for its annual meeting and reception on June 21 to honor Carol Danish, OJCF’s 2018 Legacy Society Honoree. The meeting was held at the Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education for the first time….


OJCYF Teens Raise $48,000

Oregon Jewish Community Youth Foundation members sit on the Mittleman Jewish Community Center stage at the group’s annual benefit dinner May 3. This year’s theme, Roaring Youth Philanthropy, set the mood for a truly festive evening. The teen-run event included remarks from U.S. Rep. Suzanne Bonamici and Professor Natan Meir of the Harold Schnitzer Family…


Community + collaboration = Life & Legacy success

Photo: OJCF Board Member and former Chair Eric Rosenfeld and OJCF President and CEO Julie Diamond display a copy of Voices & Visions, published by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation. Photos by Naim Hasan Photography What does Life & Legacy success look like? In Oregon and SW Washington, it looks like 10 organizations’ legacy teams collaborating…


OJCF’s Endowment Book of Life grows

PHOTO: Group shot of all signers in front of Book of Life installation at the Mittleman Jewish Community Center. Photo by Naim Hasan Photography   Just as the old man in Midrash plants a tree so that his grandchildren might eat its fruit, legacy donors today ensure that the seeds of Jewish programs and institutions grow…


OJCYF Introduces Advocacy Workshop

On Jan. 30 the Oregon Jewish Community Youth Foundation held its first advocacy workshop for students in 6-12th grades. Entitled Hope in Action, the session brought together 11 students to learn how to be an effective advocate for oneself and one’s community, as well as how to plan meetings with stakeholders and communicate with elected…


How to begin writing an ethical will

Making the decision to write an ethical will can feel fulfilling, even empowering. However, sitting down and writing one can be truly challenging. The wonderful thing is that there is no right or wrong way to write an ethical will, and yours can be as simple or complex as you wish. (See accompanying article “What is…