Tagged sukkot


The Waldorf’s wondrous sukkah

  Right after Yom Kippur is over, Jews throughout Israel and the rest of the world busy themselves building temporary “huts” called sukkot (plural; the singular is sukkah). The sukkah can range from a basic design decorated with posters and paper chains to more elaborate structures adorned with draperies and chandeliers. Most of the requirements…


EJC & Community Partner Sukkot

As we celebrate the holiday of sukkot, we are reminded that many people in our community lack shelter and food. This year the Eastside Jewish Commons is holding a sukkot open house event each night of the holiday (October 13-20). Each night one or more eastside families will open their sukkot to the community for…


Sukkot: Living with uncertainty and joy

September in Tucson brings many things I love: cooler temperatures permitting long walks in Sabino Canyon, intermittent rains that drench my garden and the Jewish holidays that kick off the new year. A sense of optimism, of new beginnings and opportunities, fills the air. In stark contrast, I began September with a horrendous car accident….

Celebrate Sukkot at SukkahPDX

Come celebrate Sukkot in one of six sukkahs created by design teams from Italy, California, Maine and Oregon for the annual SukkahPDX exhibit. These sukkahs evoke the best of the Sukkot holiday: the opportunity to welcome guests into the sukkah. Events include a Shabbat dinner, an event for families and a music concert centered around…

Holiday Guide

A Guide to Jewish Holidays Note: Jewish holidays start at sundown the day before the first day of the holiday. Rosh Hashanah (Sept. 25-26, 2014) Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, is celebrated each year on the first day of Tishrei, early in the fall. The day is a special time of rejoicing as we…