

OU Women’s Initiative Launches Program for High Holidays

  The Orthodox Union’s (OU) Women’s Initiative has launched its virtual Yemei Ratzon program offering ideas and inspiration in preparation for the upcoming High Holidays. The program offers shiurim by world-renowned Torah scholars and a month-long learning series on Teshuvah, Tefillah, and Tzedakah.  The shiurim series features a series of lectures on Selichot night August…


8 fun facts about Shavuot in Israel

  Shavuot begins the evening of May 16, 2021 Shavuot is a one-day holiday (two in the Diaspora) with many names, dozens of traditions and recipes galore. The hype surrounding the holiday – agricultural festivals at kibbutz and moshav communities, special lectures at synagogues and community centers, sales on everything white at shopping malls, cheaper…