Tagged PJA


PJA eighth-graders experience Israel

PHOTO: Portland Jewish Academy eighth-graders on top of Masada during their class trip to Israel in March. Portland Jewish Academy began taking its eighth-graders to Israel when the day school expanded to eighth grade for the 1997/98 school year. Since then, except for three years during and after the Second Intifada, members of all of…


Libby Weiss awarded Bonei Zion Prize

(PHOTO, from left) Nefesh B’Nefesh Co-Founder and Executive Director Rabbi Yehoshua Fass, Vivian Grossman (sponsor of the Young Leadership prize), Captain Libby Weiss, Minister of Regional Cooperation Tzachi Hanegbi, Nefesh B’Nefesh Co-Founder and Chairman Tony Gelbart at the June 26 Bonei Zion Prize presentation at Israel’s Knesset. Portland native Libby Weiss received the 2017 Sylvan…

Happenings/Faces of Oregon, September 2012

Maimonides Day School ready to grow up During the week of Aug. 13 one of the buildings on the campus of Maimonides Jewish Day School  was lifted off its foundation to prepare for an expansion that will use a new “daylight lower level” of 1000 square feet, for classrooms, a multi-purpose room, and administrative and…

Happenings/Faces of Oregon, August 2012

OJCF NEW BOARD MEMBERS – The Oregon Jewish Community Foundation has added three new members to its board of directors: (from left) Jonathan Barg, Jill Schnitzer Edelson and Jonathan Glass. At the Annual Meeting, OJCF also thanked several outgoing board members including Warren Rosenfeld, Sharon Ungerleider and Milt Carl, who was one of the original…