Tagged COVID-19


Making Alzheimer’s Just a Memory

  Although the COVID-19 pandemic turned the world upside down, the rapid development of multiple vaccines has spurred hope that treatments – or even potential cures – may be found for other devastating conditions. One such candidate is Alzheimer’s Disease. Understanding Alzheimer’s The Alzheimer’s Association defines the disease as a type of dementia that affects…


The ‘Path of Life’ COVID Victim Commemoration Project

  ‘For a Tree Has Hope’ “What is the main defining characteristic of the COVID-19 era?” asks well-known public activist Rabbi Shlomo Raanan. “The coronavirus brought about separation and disconnect,” he replies. “It separates between countries, divides communities and splits families. It’s about being lonely and alone. “My goal is to foster connection. Every Jew…


Why Our Connection Can Stop the Fires

  Dr. Michael Laitman When the world is consumed by fire, inundated in floods, and crippled by a global plague, only one remedy can really help: union. Only our solidarity, our sense of mutual responsibility, can lift us above the impairments that nature has imposed on us. We may think that we must tackle each…


Twitter Study Reveals Significant COVID-19 Emotional Impact on Health Care Professionals

  Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) researchers discovered patterns of significantly decreased joy, increased sadness, fear and disgust among health care professionals (HCP) in the largest social media study to track emotional changes and discourse during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the study, a multidisciplinary BGU team analyzed more than 53,000 HCP tweets from followers…