Daily Archives: October 7, 2021


OJMCHE Opens ‘Mending the Social Fabric’

  Photo: Textile artist Bonnie Meltzer The Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education’s exhibition “Mending the Social Fabric” by textile artist Bonnie Meltzer has at its core a parachute with a 314-foot circumference that is encircled by 75 handkerchiefs embroidered with text that amplifies the embedded themes. Mounted behind the parachute are textiles…


JNF-USA to Host World’s Largest Virtual Tour of Israel

  Jewish National Fund-USA (JNF-USA) announced that hundreds of international “passengers” have registered to attend the world’s most immersive virtual tour of Israel as part of the organization’s complimentary four-day national conference taking place October 10-14, 2021. Featured in national travel publications including National Geographic, JNF-USA is unparalleled when it comes to offering Zionists, travel…


Popular Artificial Sweeteners May Cause Digestive Disease and Discomfort

  Artificial sweeteners found in many foods, sports supplements, and beverages could be causing long-term digestive disease and discomfort, according to researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU). The team’s findings, published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, show that at least three of the six FDA-approved artificial sweeteners tested ─ aspartame, sucralose,…