Articles by Sharon Gelbach


The ‘Path of Life’ COVID Victim Commemoration Project

  ‘For a Tree Has Hope’ “What is the main defining characteristic of the COVID-19 era?” asks well-known public activist Rabbi Shlomo Raanan. “The coronavirus brought about separation and disconnect,” he replies. “It separates between countries, divides communities and splits families. It’s about being lonely and alone. “My goal is to foster connection. Every Jew…


Back to School in the Era of COVID-19

Photo: Safra Children’s Hospital at Sheba Medical Center As schools open slowly on different dates and in different forms, a panel of experts from the Sheba Medical Center’s Safra Children’s Hospital answers commonly asked questions. The experts are Dr. Itai Pessach, director of the Safra Children’s Hospital at Sheba Medical Center; Dr. Galia Barkai, director…