Daily Archives: April 2, 2014


Building a Jewish community from ground up

OK, it’s 2014, you’ve just moved to the Portland metropolitan area and you’re looking for Jewish community. A congregation? Hebrew school? Community service? Heck, even a book club? You have your choice of 18 congregations and cultural affiliations, according to the 2013-14 Oregon Jewish Life Resource Guide. That is for a metro Jewish population estimated…

Wisdom of the Mikvah

Growing up in Seattle Naomi Malka attended Hebrew School and Hebrew High, but she doesn’t recall anyone mentioning the mikvah. “I knew Judaism said something about marital sex and how the mikvah connected with that – I thought it sounded like a cool secret ritual,” says Naomi of her reaction to hearing about the mikvah…

Chef's Corner: Pesach Desserts

During Passover Jews gather to tell the story of the Exodus. “Remember this day on which you went free from Egypt, the house of bondage, how God freed you from it with a mighty hand.” Exodus 13:3 Some people wonder if it is OK to invite strangers or non- Jews to their seder table. While…


Emily Gottfried fund continues her mission

The first program funded by the Emily Georges Gottfried Fund is a black/Jewish dialogue, which began on Feb. 6 with the first in a series of four planned sessions. The dialogue was a fitting first recipient to be selected by the fund named in memory of Emily Gottfried, z”l, who created and led numerous programs…

Reviving Jewish Life in Poland

Among Polish Jews looking forward to Passover, Karina Sokolowska stands out. As manager of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee in Poland, she knows holidays offer the perfect opportunity to reach out to her often hidden community and invite them back to their religion and roots. This year JDC caravans will spread out to small…


Drawing Community

Artist Sheila Lynn Lawton spent three weeks interacting with, and creating art personifying the hopes and interests of, residents of Kehillah Housing, a new Portland affordable housing project for adults with special needs. Kehillah, which means community, welcomed 14 residents with developmental disabilities last September to the new apartment building on the southwest Portland campus…


Gabe Young named National Youth Orchestra

Sometimes growing up Jewish in a small town can be an isolating experience, but not for Gabe Young. The 18-year-old senior from Ashland, who begins his second year as a member of the prestigious National Youth Orchestra this summer, credits his small, vibrant Jewish community for giving him a strong, self- confident Jewish identity. “I…


Sony’s Cigar Box Guitars

A lifetime of skills and interests converged with circumstances last year to launch Sony Felberg’s ChickiBoom Cigar Box Guitar business. Sony sold his first cigar box guitar last summer. By year-end he had sold 100 of his handcrafted creations. Three models of his solid, arty, easy to play guitars now are available in five retail…