Daily Archives: November 1, 2013

Ask Helen

Dear Helen, I am 54 and recently reconnected with my first true love on Facebook. We were a couple in high school and would probably have gotten married except for my mother’s interference. Insert vivid fights with her, and bad relationships for me, until I finally met my husband, who reminded me of my first…

Life on the Other Side

I like to joke that Israeli customer service is an oxymoron. If you’re used to an American attitude that “The Customer is Always Right,” you’re going to have to do some major attitude adjustment while in the Holy Land. Don’t get me wrong – I do love living here. I just don’t like the service…

Israel advocacy pilot project put to test

As one of the four pilot sites of the national Israel advocacy training program developed over the past year, Portland is poised to put the intensive preparation to the test. This spring about 20 Portlanders attended three programs presented by Israel Action Network Deputy Managing Director David Dabscheck and his assistant Noam Gilboord. The training…