Tagged school


Backpack Safety

If you’ve ever gone backpack shopping with a school-aged child, you know picking the right one is a big decision. The array of shapes, styles and patterns is matched by the range of prices. The modern backpack explicitly made for books has only been around since the mid-1970s, but it’s hard to imagine the time…


The Look

February 19, 2018 And there it is. The look. The look I knew I would see. And I will get it again and again, from this moment forward. I just didn’t expect it to happen so quickly. As my family checked into our hotel tonight, after two nights of choppy, if any sleep, countless hours…


Traditions: Students with special needs

Does integrating students with special needs benefit all students or the community in general? Ben Sandler Education Director Congregation Beth Israel “You shall not insult the deaf or place a stumbling block before the blind.” Leviticus 19:14 Integrating students with special needs absolutely benefits everyone! The first illustration that comes to mind is the work…

Healthy kids learn better

It seems like summer just arrived here in the Pacific Northwest, yet another school year is just around the corner. Each year Multnomah County Health Department and other community organizations gear up to support children, families, schools and communities to keep kids healthy in school so that they can learn and thrive. Supporting kids in…


Father’s Day Dispatch from Salem

When my wife and I moved to Salem five years ago, we didn’t give much thought to whether or not there was a Jewish community here. We moved to Salem from the Los Angeles area, where there are so many Jews that the public schools close on Jewish holidays. Judaism had always been a quiet…


Happenings / Review February 2012

Jewish Theatre Collaborative, PJ Library share light of Hanukkah The Jewish Theatre Collaborative partnered with PJ library to bring their touring hit, “Hanukah: The Power of Light” to audiences around Portland this holiday season. Performers Darrell Salk and Sara Fay Goldman brought to life this stage adaptation of two of PJ library’s beloved holiday classics:…