Tagged Pesach


Passover 2021 – Here we go again

  The best-known quote from the Pesach Haggadah is, “why is this night different from all other nights?” Last year, this quote took on a whole new meaning with the onset of the pandemic and the realization that most of us would be having a virtual seder. This year, unless everyone in your group has…


Seders for 2018

PHOTO: At Gesher, seder participants role play their way through the Passover seder. “Dress up” as slaves, flee to the middle of the Red Sea, feast and tell the story as if we were slaves leaving Egypt. Gesher provides slave clothing and sustenance for the journey.   Passover (March 31-April 7, 2018) Passover, also known…


Passover Means Spring Cleaning

Passover is just around the corner, and that means it’s time for spring cleaning! If your New Year’s resolution to finally get organized never quite panned out, Pesach presents the perfect opportunity to make good on that promise. The Torah instructs us to rid our homes of hametz or leavened foods in anticipation of Passover:…

Life on the Other Side: Passover

Ah, the joys of Passover preparation. For anyone celebrating this holiday with some semblance of observance, the arrange- ments required to ready the house often seem like an additional plague. As I scan my brain for early recollections, I can feel the backaches coming on. Not to speak of the aching feet and steel-wooled hands….