Tagged death


Resource Guide 2022: Lifecycle

  Jewish life revolves around the cycle of life. While daily spiritual living is cherished, it’s the unique moments that bring us together and remind us of what matters. In the Jewish tradition, lifecycle moments from birth to death carry specific rituals, most of which have been used for centuries. Following are the resources that…


Resource Guide 2020-2021: Lifecycle

Jewish life revolves around the cycle of life. In the Jewish tradition, lifecycle moments from birth to death carry specific rituals, most of which have been used for centuries. These moments truly center us. Following are the resources that will help you celebrate and mark each stage of life. MOHELS A mohel is the person…


The mystery of the Libe Shteyn

Photo: A basket of Libe Shteyn or “Love Stones” to place on headstones. Placing a stone on a grave is a Jewish custom that dates back to at least medieval times. There are a variety of explanations as to why this tradition began. Some say that it shows to others that someone has visited the…