Tagged J Street



Even a partial list of Israeli inventions and innovations is mind boggling. In chemistry Israel has won three Nobel Prizes in recent years. Israel creations include: in optics, the world’s smallest video camera as well as the PillCam for nonintrusive digestive tract procedures; in biotech, the nanowire, thinner than human hair; in computing, the USB…


Jeremy Ben-Ami speaks on the two-state solution

First and foremost, J Street founder and President Jeremy Ben-Ami wants everyone to know that “We believe in the right of the Jewish people to a national homeland in Israel, in the Jewish and democratic values on which Israel was founded, and in the necessity of a two-state solution.” Ben-Ami and Carmi Gillon, the former…

J Street: Hopes Author's Visit Will Springboard Discussion

Hoping to break barriers and promote discussion among Israel supporters of all stripes, J Street Portland worked with local Jewish organizations to bring Israeli journalist Gershom Gorenberg to speak on Feb. 16 at Congregation Neveh Shalom. The American-born Orthodox Jew’s recent book The Unmaking of Israel has received wide critical acclaim. Arriving jet-lagged from the…

Oregon college students attend J Street conference

J Street – a liberal pro-Israel, pro-peace nonprofit lobbying organization – has captured the hearts and imaginations of some Oregon college students. Thirteen of the 24 Oregonians who attended the J Street National Conference, March 24-27, were students, mostly from Reed and Lewis & Clark colleges. One student at the conference in Washington, DC, was…