Tagged Black LIves Matter


Op-ed from Lee Gordon on Portland Protests

By Lee Gordon I am in total support of the growing protests in Portland against police brutality and against the presence here of Federal agents who have been tear-gassing and harassing peaceful demonstrators on a nightly basis. (And this kind of brutality is not only the monopoly of the Federal agents, as the Portland Police…


Justice, Justice, Shall You Pursue

By Jennie Spector To my fellow Jews, especially white Ashkenazim – Our liberation is inextricably wound in Black liberation. We have an obligation as Jews to loudly declare that Black Lives Matter, to show up for the movement, and to, in the words of Rabbi Heschel, pray with our feet. We fled to the US…


JCRC reacts to Black Lives Matter platform

Activists in the Boycott, Divest and Sanction campaign against Israel frequently inject their cause into diverse social justice campaigns implying that those who stand for the oppressed should also stand for Palestinians. LGBT and animal rights groups, as well as churches, have had their debate or even official platforms appropriated by the BDS Movement. The…