Art and Culture


Art: A Shared Human Experience

“Art is a necessity, beauty we must have in the world. Painting and sculpture and music and literature are all of the same piece as civilization, which is the art of making it possible for human beings to live together.” ~ Charles W. Hawthorne, painter Throughout history and prehistory, the arts have recorded, reflected and…


Arts & Culture 2015

The Arts and Judaism have been intrinsically linked since the beginning of time. There are an overwhelming number of Jews creating or performing in the areas of music, visual arts, creative writing, dance and theater. And if they’re not performing, they are attending and supporting! Culture has always been one of the pillars of Judaism…


Arts & Culture

The Arts and Judaism have been intrinsically linked since the beginning of time. There are an overwhelming number of Jews creating or performing in the areas of music, visual arts, creative writing, dance and theater. And if they’re not performing, they are attending and supporting! Culture has always been one of the pillars of Judaism…