Women’s Financial Empowerment Workshops

This fall and winter, Women’s Philanthropy of the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland is presenting a Women’s Financial Literacy Workshop Series focused on three stages of life: adulting, transitions and retirement. All three workshops are designed to increase a participant’s financial literacy in key areas by incorporating Jewish values and providing tactical and practical tools for everyday living, personal goal setting and personal empowerment.

Why is financial literacy Important?

“While there are signs of improvement, the gender gap in financial and investment literacy remains persistent, and the gaps exist even in the millennial generation,” says Dawn Doebler, CPA, CFP, CDFA. The director of education for Her Wealth at the Colony Group continues, “There is still much work to do to monitor and narrow the gap in the coming years. Because women often have longer life spans and face financial challenges brought about by lower earnings and less time in the workforce, they can no longer afford to remain uneducated, underinvested, or disengaged from their finances. As our power and influence in the world continues to expand, it’s only natural that we’d find it necessary to take more responsibility for the wealth our greater influence is creating for ourselves, our families and for future generations.”

The first workshop called “Adulting” was held Sept. 5. In addition to information on what Jewish values say about money, the workshop discussed how to buy a house, establish credit and minimize your student loan.

The second workshop, “Transitions,” will be Nov. 3 from 9:30-11:30 am. The focus will be on marriage/family, divorce, inheritance and death/estate planning.

On Dec. 8, the series turns to “Retirement.” The 9:30-11:30 am class will explore what you are going to do in retirement and the things you must do before you retire, as well as ethical wills, estate planning and making an impact.

Workshop presenters are Rabbi Barry Cohen, Chaplain, Jewish Federation of Greater Portland; Julie Diamond, CEO and president of Oregon Jewish Community Foundation; Rachel Oh, The Law Office of Rachel Oh, LLC; Kim Rosenberg, Rosenbaum Financial and Marshal Spector, Gevurtz Manashe.

Workshops are $18 each. For more information, or to register, visit jewishportland.org/financialliteracy.

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