Tagged Rabbi Benjamin Barnett


Biz Ins & Outs

Martin Baicker new CEO at CSP Cedar Sinai Park has hired Martin W. Baicker, FACHE, as the new CEO of Cedar Sinai Park. Marty was president/CEO of JGS Lifecare (formerly Jewish Geriatric Services) in Longmeadow, MA. He began his new post Sept. 25. He and his family relocated from Massachusetts. “He has extensive experience in…


Biz Ins and Outs

Rabbi Benjamin Barnett Leaves Beit Am for Portland Rabbi Benjamin Barnett will leave Beit Am in Corvallis this summer to become the new rabbi of Portland’s Havurah Shalom, from which Rabbi Joey Wolf is retiring this spring (see page 60). Rabbi Benjamin had served as rabbi of Beit Am since August 2006. Beit Am supports…