‘Eminent Oregonians’ shares important stories


Photo: The authors of Eminent Oregonian, R. Gregory Nokes, Jane Kirkpatrick and Steve Forrester.

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Nicholas Kristof sings praises for Eminent Oregonians, a soon-to-be released book about the lives and contributions of three Oregonians who “helped create modern Oregon.”

Characterized as a publication “inspired by Lytton Strachey’s Eminent Victorians, the authors describe three Oregonians who were often at odds with their moments in history.” In the book’s promotional materials, Richard A. Baker, U.S. Senate historian emeritus, said Oregon authors Jane Kirkpatrick, R. Gregory Nokes and Steve Forrester each present well-sourced and insightful commentary.

After a career as a mental health and early childhood specialist for 17 years, Kirkpatrick, an award-winning author has written more than three dozen fiction and nonfiction books — many based on the lives of historical women, writes about Abigail Scott Duniway (1834-1915). The lead character in Kirkpatrick’s September 2020 historical fiction release Something Worth Doing centered around Duniway, an early women’s rights advocate, newspaper editor and writer.

Nokes, a former journalist and foreign correspondent who has authored several books about Oregon’s history, shares about the trailblazing efforts of Jesse Applegate (1811-88). Three years after Applegate and his brother, Lindsay, each lost sons on the Oregon Trail’s Columbia River route, he helped pioneer an alternate southern route, later called the Applegate Trail. A representative of Oregon’s pioneer government, Applegate voiced strong opposition to slavery during the 1857 Constitutional Convention in Salem.

Forrester, president and CEO of EO Media Group, former editor/publisher of The Daily Astorian and a former U.S. Senate page, writes about Richard Lewis Neuberger (1912-60). As an 8-year-old, Forrester remembers being fascinated by Neuberger, who visited his family’s home in Pendleton — his father and Neuberger met while writing at The Oregonian. Serving on the Oregon House of Representatives and later the U.S. Senate, Neuberger co-authored The Wilderness Act.

Kerry Tymchuk, Oregon Historical Society executive director, said three talented Oregon authors share remarkable stories about three iconic Oregon figures. He encouraged history buffs to pick up a copy.

For more information or to order the book, visit eomediagroup.com/books/eminent_oregonians.

Orginally posted in the East Orgonian.

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