
December Monthly Mitzvah @ Mittleman Jewish Community Center
Dec 1 – Dec 31 all-day

Monthly Mitzvah Project

Each month the MJCC and PJA communities will collect items for the monthly mitzvah. Drop off items in the blue bin in the MJCC lobby. Check the display for how you can participate and donate to these worthy causes.

This project reflects the Jewish commitment to Tikkun Olam (repairing the world), providing opportunities to give back to our community.

Please drop off items in the blue bin in the MJCC Lobby.

Adopt-a-Family for the Holidays Gift Card Program and New Toys for ill and injured children
•    JFCS (Jewish Family & Child Service) Clients
•    Ronald McDonald House
•    Candlelighters for Children with Cancer
•    Children’s Cancer Association

ORA Holiday Art Sale @ Mittleman Jewish Community Center
Dec 1 – Dec 6 all-day

Looking for a great holiday gift? Local artists from ORA will be in the MJCC lobby all week selling all forms of artwork.
Sunday – Friday, December 1 –  6

Young Family PJ Havdallah @ Congregation Neveh Shalom
Dec 14 @ 5:15 pm – 7:30 pm

Young Family PJ Havdallah

Saturday, December 14, 5:15-7:30pm

Young families say goodbye to Shabbat in our PJs with dinner, stories, art and fun at Congregation Neveh Shalom

$30/family or included with the Shul Pass with RSVP required.


Please note: Programs are subject to change; please contact the office for more information: 503.246.8831 or visit the website at:

JAM Art Show + Sale @ Mittleman Jewish Community Center
Feb 9 – Mar 6 all-day

JAM Art Show + Sale

Enjoy a rotating exhibit in the MJCC lobby all month. Members of ORA: Northwest Jewish Artists will answer questions, accept commissions, and sell their art. A portion of the proceeds benefits the MJCC.