
Rev. Matthew Fox – Ecology & Deep Ecumenism @ Havurah Synagogue
Mar 9 @ 7:00 pm – Mar 10 @ 9:30 pm

Rev. Matthew Fox – Ecology & Deep Ecumenism:

In the Image of God, the Cosmic Christ, and Buddha Nature

March 9-10, 2018 at the Havurah Synagogue in Ashland

The Havurah Synagogue is hosting a unique interfaith event featuring the renowned scholar and author Rev. Matthew Fox on March 9-10, 2018. The three-part event is called Ecology & and Deep Ecumenism: In the Image of God, the Cosmic Christ, and Buddha Nature. Register on line at or by calling 1-800-838-3006.  For general information call (541) 488-7716. Cost of the registration for the three events including Friday evening hospitality and Saturday luncheon is $85 for early registration before February 5, and $95 after that. Partial work trade opportunities are available.


The event is co-sponsored by R.E.D. Red Earth Descendants, Kagyu Sukha Choling Buddhist Center, Trinity Episcopal Church, Unity in Ashland, First Congregational United Church of Christ, Havurah Synagogue, and the Rogue Valley Manor Department of Spiritual Care and Wellbeing.


Matthew Fox is a renowned American theologian. Formally a Dominican priest his controversial ideas on what is known as Creation Spirituality, and the alignment of ecology with religion, caused his expulsion from the Catholic priesthood in 1993. He is now an Episcopal priest. He is the author of 35 books including the best-selling The Coming of the Cosmic Christ, Original Blessing, Creation Spirituality, and The Reinvention of Work. He teaches regularly at Fox Institute for Creation Spirituality in Boulder, CO. And that his latest book is Order of the Sacred Earth. Learn more about the order at


The weekend of events will be divided in three parts, all taking place at the Havurah Synagogue in Ashland and requiring pre-registration. Friday evening 7:00 PM, Saturday morning at 10 AM, and Saturday evening at 7:30 PM. Rev. Fox led what he calls a Cosmic Mass in September, 2016 at the Ashland Historic Armory. Describing the theme of the upcoming event Rev. Fox says,


Clearly the earth as we know it, and our species along with many others are in dire straits. Global warming, species extinction, soil depletion, oceans rising and becoming more acidic, weather extremes, climate immigrants, increased wildfires and waters polluted – all this adds up to a near apocalyptic situation. Time is rapidly running out. What does a renewed spiritual awakening bring to the table? How can we draw on the best of our religious traditions to assist this waking up process?


The weekend of events will be the presentation of teachings on the link between ecology and religion, and how people of all faiths can recover a sense of the sacredness of the earth and her processes. Rev. Fox teaches that the religious archetype for the sacredness of creation can be found in the “Image of G-d” tradition in Judaism, the “Cosmic Christ” tradition of Christianity; and by the “Buddha Nature” teachings in Buddhism. Rev. Fox will teach about these archetypes during the weekend and in the process awaken participants to look for stories of the sacredness of nature in their own spiritual traditions.


Rabbi David Zaslow says, “Rev. Fox’s work is unique in the interfaith world. He expects those of us from particular faiths to stop settling with merely respecting each other’s traditions, but to ask each other ‘how can I help you? How can we pray and work together for the sake of our planet?’”


The weekend will culminate on Saturday evening with a special ecumenical panel highlighting the wisdom of local spiritual leaders: Dan Wahpepah from Red Earth Descendants, Rev. Norma Burton of Unity, Rev. Fr. Tony Hutchinson from Trinity Episcopal, Rabbi David Zaslow from the Havurah, Lama Yeshe Parke from the KSC Buddhist center, Rev. Christina Kukuk of the United Church of Christ, and Fr. Joel S. Garavaglia-Maiorano from the Rogue Valley Manor.


You can learn more about Creation Spirituality and the cutting edge theological work of Rev. Matthew Fox at his website at For more information about the weekend call (541) 488-7716.


“Living While Dying” – March Movie Night @ Havurah Shalom
Mar 18 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

During March Movie Night on Sunday, March 18, Havurah Shalom’s Ma’avar Committee will show “Living While Dying,” a film made by P’nai Or member Cathy Zheutlin.

Here is a brief description of the film: Death is a big mystery, and yet the outcome is 100 percent certain. How do you plan for the unknown? Filmmaker Cathy Zheutlin tells the stories of four friends with terminal illness who chose to live out their final days at home with creativity humor and courage. One might think that it would be depressing or morose. In fact, just the opposite – it is loving, hopeful and and full of joy. Despite cultural norms that death is meant to be vanquished, “Living While Dying” transforms sorrow and fear into inspiration and beauty. It honors what University of California San Francisco palliative care physician BJ Miller says, that “dying is a human act, not just a medical one.”

The film will be followed by a panel discussion with some experts in end-of-life care, many of whom are Havurah members.

Panelists include:

  • Rabbi Benjamin
  • Charles Blanke – Havurah member and OHSU oncologist specializing in end-of-life care and death with dignity
  • Karen Erde -Havurah member and palliative care physician
  • Susan Hedlund – Manager of Patient and Family Support Services at the OHSU Knight Cancer Institute. She has over 30 years of experience in oncology and hospice care, and worked on the original task force to legalize death with dignity.

A suggested donation of $10 will directly help the filmmaker so she can continue to pay for the production of this very beautiful and important film.

Please RSVP at

Abrahamic Thanksgiving Worship Service @ Westminster Presbyterian Church
Nov 24 @ 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Abrahamic Thanksgiving Worship Service

Sunday, November 24, 4:00-8:00pm

A special Interfaith Thanksgiving worship service at the Westminster Presbyterian Church w/ Rabbi Eve Posen, Rev. Beth Neel & Imam Abdulah Polovina. RSVP by 11/20 to:

4:00pm: Doors Open

4:30pm: Worship Service

5:30pm: Dinner and Dialogue

Please note: Programs are subject to change; please contact the office for more information: 503.246.8831 or visit the website at: