Tagged interior design


Trends for 2020

By Barbara Kaplan The year 2020 marks the beginning of a new decade, and it’s hard to believe that we have transitioned through 20 years into the 21st century. It’s time to look back over the past two decades and consider the things we have purchased for our home, be aware of the things we…

Prehistoric tools enabled architectural revolution

Recent research at the archaeological site of Motza in Israel’s Judean hills unearthed evidence that sophisticated carpentry tools first appeared at the same time as increased agriculture and the establishment of permanent settlements. During the Neolithic Age (approximately 10000–6000 BCE), early man evolved from hunter-gatherer to farmer and agriculturalist, living in larger, permanent settlements with…

Interior Design Trends

Taste in furnishings and home décor is individual, of course. But when a lot of people start liking the same thing, we’ve got a trend on our hands. Trends in interior design are what you’ll see these days in the Northwest’s fall home shows and new remodels – things that people want in their homes…