Tagged Dr. Steven Windmueller


Extremes may pull Jews to middle politically

The rise in anti-Semitic and anti-Israel activity in conjunction with the rise of the alt-right and the far left may presage a Jewish return toward the middle politically, predicts Dr. Steven Windmueller. Dr. Windmueller was in Portland May 17 for the second of a two-part Jewish Community Relations Council series on anti-Semitism. Dr. Windmueller, who…


May 2017 Calendar

May 1-31 Monthly Mitzvah Project: MJCC and PJA collect canned fruit for Shavuot for the Neighborhood House Food Pantry. Drop off in the blue bin located in the MJCC lobby. 503-244-0111 May 1 Yom Ha’atzmaut: Celebrate Israel’s 69th year of independence! Israeli music and dancing, arts and crafts, explore Israel in a unique way, hear…