COVID-19 Outreach Project 2020

As cases of COVID-19 spread quickly through the state of Oregon and all our communities, the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) is developing a pool of trained staff and uniform contact tracing tools to help fill gaps and increase capacity to meet criteria for reopening and ensure a coordinated, equitable approach across the state. The OHA staffing plan provides an operational framework for hiring, training, and deploying staff including Community Health Workers (CHWs) and those with similar skill sets within community-based organizations (CBOs) and faith-based organizations to help support regional and county contact tracing plans.

CBOs, including faith-based organizations, are central to the success of this plan to integrate methods, tactics and strategies that are most responsive to the needs of the grant’s priority populations: people of color, people with disabilities, people who are houseless, individuals with substance use disorder, immigrant and refugee communities, faith communities, undocumented communities and farm workers, people experiencing mental health issues, older adults and LGBTQIA+ communities.

This program will aim to ensure that vulnerable Oregonians have access to accurate and timely information about COVID-19 in a language they understand and from a trusted source; receive COVID- 19 symptom monitoring; and have more robust access to testing and services to support their and their household’s welfare in case of exposure to an infected individual. Individuals with limited English can be supported through bilingual staff, Health Care Interpreters (HCIs) and through Language Link.

Congregation Neveh Shalom has received a grant to support OHA outreach and support initiatives within the Jewish communities of Multnomah, Washington and Clackamas counties. In order to implement the program successfully, we are building a project management team of short-term contractors.

The contract period has already begun. Work will begin by no later than August 10th for the first 3- month period. There is a possibility the project will continue for a second 3-month period.

If you are interested in one of the short-term contract positions below, please send your resume and cover letter to as soon as possible and by no later than 9 am on July 27, 2020.

COVID19 Outreach, Education and Wraparound Services Project Short-term, Part-time

Up to 6 paid positions available

Individuals in our community impacted by COVID-19 may need supports for daily living in order to comply with quarantine or isolation. This program will aim to ensure that vulnerable members of our community have access to accurate and timely information about COVID-19 from a trusted source; receive COVID-19 symptom monitoring; and have more robust access to testing and services to support their and their household’s welfare in case of exposure to an infected individual. Congregation Neveh Shalom has received a grant from Oregon Health Authority to conduct outreach and support in the Jewish communities of Multnomah, Washington and Clackamas counties. We are building a project team of short-term contractors to implement the tri-county project.

Project lead (1) ($30/hour)
Project consultants (5) ($25/hour)
Approximately 10-20 hours per week


Activities include:

-Orientation and project kick-off activities.
-Create templates and written material for outreach via social media, print, email.
-Scan news, agency and social media posts for relevant COVID19 information and redistribute to
community networks.
-Maintain ongoing communications with community members via telephone, text, WhatsApp, FB, email, etc.
-Maintain connections and coordination with other Jewish organizations in their outreach, communications to reach the full community.
-Be available to respond to requests for interviews and project updates for Jewish community organizations.


Activities include:

-Orientation and project kick-off activities.
-Identify community members who are impacted by COVID19. Establish contact, conduct needs
assessment, support schedule. Construct a map of organizations that provide the needed services
identified through the needs assessment.
-Provide direct support services such as assisting with health care referrals and setting appointments; grocery shopping and essential errands; identify housing needs and work with individuals and families and community organizations to fill them; identify needs related to utilities, water, garbage, phone, internet, and cable and work with individuals and families and community organizations to access existing benefit programs.
-Be able to provide support or make meaningful referrals for more complex and ongoing case management questions involving behavioral health resources, anti-discrimination resources, domestic violence resources, or others.


  • Must be over the age of 16 to apply and have a valid driver’s license.
  • Comfortable navigating internet search engines, social media platforms, online communications,
    Microsoft Word products (Communications & Outreach).
  • Comfortable driving in the Portland metropolitan area (Multnomah, Washington, Clackamas counties), and familiarity with the local businesses and service providers. (Direct Services)
  • Personable communication style, attention to detail, punctuality and responsiveness are a must.
  • Must be professional, responsible, and have an understanding of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Ability to maintain confidential personal information is an absolute requirement.
  • A criminal background check may be required.

Work will begin by no later than August 10th for the first 3-month period. Please send your resume and cover letter to as soon as possible and by no later than 9 am on July 27, 2020.

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