
JGSO: Genealogy Mini “Boot Camp” @ Congregation Neveh Shalom
Nov 3 @ 10:30 am – 12:30 pm

You’ve done your DNA, gotten your results, but don’t recognize any names and don’t know what to do next? Or have you been working on building out your family tree but need help to research your family?  Where do you begin?  How to get additional information if you’ve hit that brick wall?  This will be geared to help both newbies and those who have been working to build their family tree for many years.

Laurel Smith, past president of the Genealogy Forum of Oregon will present a mini “boot camp” to get everyone started. Contact: 503-997-1685,

Cost:  The program is free to JGSO members. We request a $5 contribution from non-members. That fee can be applied to a membership should you decide to join JGSO at this meeting.

Please come early if you would like help from other genealogists.

Women’s Philanthropy Three part Financial Empowerment Series  – JFGP
Dec 8 @ 9:30 am – 11:30 am

Women’s Philanthropy Three part Financial Empowerment Series 

Sept. 5, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm, Adulting All of those questions you’re afraid to ask! (i.e., How do I make a budget? How do I manage my debt from student loans to credit? Can I save for the future now? Create a personalized financial action plan.

Nov. 3, 9:30 am -11:30 am, Transitions Planning for life! How do you financially prepare for death, divorce, losing a job, having a baby, needs of your children from throwing a bar/bat mitzvah to college, to paying for a wedding? What do you need to know about insurance? Create a personalized action plan.

Dec. 8, 9:30 am -11:30 am Retirement How do I take care of myself and those that follow me? Who should you talk to help you with estate planning? How do you prepare to avoid widow worry? 401k/IRA, insurance 101 and asset management. Create a personalized action plan.

All three locations to be determined (tbd).
Sign up for one or all. Registration details available starting March 18.

Questions contact: Wendy Kahn, Associate Director of Financial Resource Development,

JGSO: Research Session @ Hillsdale Public Library
Dec 8 @ 10:30 am – 12:30 pm

December’s JGSO meeting will be a research session providing one-on-one support. Set aside a few hours each month to work on your family tree. Redefine your research goals. Get help with the endless supply of genealogical websites. Bring your research materials and your personal laptops or tablets. Some computers with internet access will be available for those without. While you work with our Mavens/Experts, take advantage of some of the resources that are available within the library.

All those interested in exploring their Jewish ancestry or family history in general are welcome. Even if you don’t have specific questions come and exchange knowledge and ideas with others who have similar interests. Help others and be prepared to learn something new as you listen to other people’s questions and the processes used in finding their answers.