
Shabbat in Wilshire Park @ Wilshire Park
Aug 24 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

This summer, P’nai Or is taking it outside! Please join us at 6 pm on Friday, Aug 24 at Wilshire Park (NE 33rd & Skidmore) picnic area for a very joyful, very musical Kabbalat Shabbat with Bruce Morris and friends. We’ll start with a bring-your-own-picnic at 6 pm, then the service will start around 6:30. We will also offer our Community Food Program distribution prior to the service. See you there!

Tot Shabbat @ Havurah Shalom
Oct 20 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am

Young children (0-5) and their parents celebrate Shabbat with singing, movement, blessings, and storytelling. We will touch on the main highlights of the Shabbat morning service: wonder, fun, song, listening to the world, dancing, and Torah. Afterward we will enjoy an informal oneg nosh and the chance to play and schmooze. Please RSVP here by Oct. 17.

Women’s Philanthropy Three part Financial Empowerment Series  – JFGP
Dec 8 @ 9:30 am – 11:30 am

Women’s Philanthropy Three part Financial Empowerment Series 

Sept. 5, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm, Adulting All of those questions you’re afraid to ask! (i.e., How do I make a budget? How do I manage my debt from student loans to credit? Can I save for the future now? Create a personalized financial action plan.

Nov. 3, 9:30 am -11:30 am, Transitions Planning for life! How do you financially prepare for death, divorce, losing a job, having a baby, needs of your children from throwing a bar/bat mitzvah to college, to paying for a wedding? What do you need to know about insurance? Create a personalized action plan.

Dec. 8, 9:30 am -11:30 am Retirement How do I take care of myself and those that follow me? Who should you talk to help you with estate planning? How do you prepare to avoid widow worry? 401k/IRA, insurance 101 and asset management. Create a personalized action plan.

All three locations to be determined (tbd).
Sign up for one or all. Registration details available starting March 18.

Questions contact: Wendy Kahn, Associate Director of Financial Resource Development,