
Celebrate the Trees at the Havurah Synagogue @ Havurah Synagogue
Feb 2 @ 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm

On Friday, February 2, 6 PM Rabbi David Zaslow and Morah Cyrise Beatty Schachter will lead a musical Kabbalat Shabbat & Celebration of the Trees!! Tu b’Shevat, the most ancient ecological holiday, is celebrated with a ritual passed down by the 16th century mystics of Safed. Fruits and nuts will be tasted on the journey through the four worlds to celebrate the emergence from winter into the time of the awakening of the trees. Devorah Zaslow will tell a story of the season. Free. All are welcome. Donations gratefully accepted. Bring a potluck veggie dish to share and children are most welcome. The Havurah Synagogue is located at 185 N. Mountain Ave., Ashland. Call 541-488-7716 for more info.

Women’s Philanthropy Three part Financial Empowerment Series  – JFGP
Dec 8 @ 9:30 am – 11:30 am

Women’s Philanthropy Three part Financial Empowerment Series 

Sept. 5, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm, Adulting All of those questions you’re afraid to ask! (i.e., How do I make a budget? How do I manage my debt from student loans to credit? Can I save for the future now? Create a personalized financial action plan.

Nov. 3, 9:30 am -11:30 am, Transitions Planning for life! How do you financially prepare for death, divorce, losing a job, having a baby, needs of your children from throwing a bar/bat mitzvah to college, to paying for a wedding? What do you need to know about insurance? Create a personalized action plan.

Dec. 8, 9:30 am -11:30 am Retirement How do I take care of myself and those that follow me? Who should you talk to help you with estate planning? How do you prepare to avoid widow worry? 401k/IRA, insurance 101 and asset management. Create a personalized action plan.

All three locations to be determined (tbd).
Sign up for one or all. Registration details available starting March 18.

Questions contact: Wendy Kahn, Associate Director of Financial Resource Development,