Biz Ins and Outs

From JFGP to City of Beaverton

Nicole Walters resigned her post as the marketing and communications director of the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland to accept a position with the City of Beaverton. She began her new job as marketing manager within the Mayor’s Office of Public Involvement and Communications Division Nov. 21. As Beaverton’s marketing manager, Nicole leads the city’s public information team and will lead the team working in digital, print communications, internal communication and more. She is responsible for implementing the city’s marketing plan and helping the city achieve goals to promote Beaverton as an open and welcoming city.

Nicole and her husband, Greg, moved to Portland in 2002. Her first local job was as marketing and development coordinator at Congregation Beth Israel. She served CBI for more than eight years and remains a member of the Reform congregation.

Nicole worked at the federation for nearly six years. Her role included developing and implementing integrated marketing/communications strategies in support of the community campaign, promotion of federation programs, incentives and events. In 2015, she earned an MBA with a focus on nonprofit management from the University of Portland.

“Nicole has been a wonderful asset to our Jewish community for many years, both at the Jewish federation and Congregation Beth Israel prior. She will be sorely missed,” says JFGP CEO Marc Blattner.

Neveh Shalom hires new program director

Congregation Neveh Shalom welcomes Daniela Meltzer as the congregation’s new program director. Throughout her career, Daniela has worked with numerous environmental and social justice nonprofits. In recent years, she has worked as a consultant in event production, marketing and communications for organizations such as Give a Beat, California Hospital Medical Center Foundation, National Medical Fellowships, the Children’s Nature Institute and many more. She sits on the board of Amazon Watch (an organization she helped found 20 years ago) and the Tualatin Hills synchronized swimming team.

Daniela and her family relocated to Portland in the summer of 2015 when her husband, Adam Meltzer, was hired as a full-time LEED consultant for Green Building Services. Their two daughters, Sofia (11) and Rachel (6) attend Portland Jewish Academy.

Daniela’s unique experience and expertise are a welcome addition to the Neveh Shalom community.

503-246-8831, ext. 139 | |

Eugene’s Beth Israel hires Jerrica Becken

Temple Beth Israel in Eugene welcomes Jerrica Becken as its new program and communications manager responsible for developing, implementing and coordinating programming and other initiatives to engage with current and prospective TBI members. She’ll work closely with the Membership Committee and provide support to the executive director and rabbi in the programming area. Temple Beth Israel – Center for Jewish Life is located at 1175 E. 29th Ave., in Eugene.

Jerrica’s most recent position was program manager of direct marketing in annual philanthropy at the University of Oregon. She holds a Masters of Nonprofit Management from UO with a concentration in development and management.

541-485-7218 | |

Neveh Shalom cantor to depart in May

Deborah Bletstein has decided to resign her position with Congregation Neveh Shalom at the end of this program year, May 2017, after six years of serving the Conservative congregation.

“Both personally, and on behalf of the board of directors, and all CNS congregants and friends, I want to thank Cantor Bletstein and express our appreciation for her dedicated spiritual and innovative leadership,” says CNS President Stephen Blake.

In a message to congregants, Cantor Bletstein wrote: “It is with mixed emotions that I say farewell to you at the end of this academic year. Neveh Shalom has been my home and my community for over six years.  … I feel the time has come for me to embark on a new chapter in my life. In addition to seeking new creative outlets, I plan to take some personal time to rejuvenate my heath and enjoy more free time with family and friends.”

A transition committee will be formed soon. |

Portland and Pakistan build common ground

Linda Alper, from Portland’s Artists Repertory Theatre, has received a grant to develop a theater piece with Theatre Wallay, a Pakistani arts company, on the topic of “Public Space.” Linda will travel twice to Islamabad, and then Theatre Wallay will visit Portland, June 23-30, 2017, where they will perform at ART and meet with local arts groups.

Linda was profiled in Oregon Jewish Life in the October issue, which featured women as mentors.

The project is supported by a $327,000 Cultural Affairs Grant from the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, awarded to Linda, in partnership with Ithaca College, Professor Kathleen Mulligan, David Studwell and Theatre Wallay. |

Arlene Cogen starts philanthropic leadership business

Earlier this year Arlene Cogen launched her new business as a philanthropic leadership consultant. Arlene works closely with professional advisors, nonprofits and their clients to foster deep relationships, engage the next generation and make a lasting legacy through leadership and philanthropy.

As a certified financial planner with three decades of expertise in the business and nonprofit worlds, Arlene is committed to helping others self-actualize through philanthropy. She is an inspiring, passionate and well-informed speaker on financial and philanthropic planning strategies.

She likes to “put the FUN in philanthropy” and help people have FUN doing the most good.

Arlene is available to speak to firms, professional organizations or nonprofits on topics such as: Leaving a Lasting Legacy: How to make the gift you never knew you had in you; How Philanthropy Fits Into Your Financial Plan; and Legacy Planning and the Funny Family.

She is a board member of the Estate Planning Council of Portland, member of the Financial Planning Association and a Pathway partner (mentoring group) for the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland.

She received the Hadassah National Leadership Award in April 2002 and the Jewish Women’s Round Table Song of Miriam Award in June 2003.

503-957-8334 | |

Four innovation organizations merge

Bikkurim, Joshua Venture Group and UpStart are consolidating into a single organization – UpStart – to serve as the central resource for Jewish innovation. The newly envisioned UpStart will also include the current U.S.-based programs of PresenTense.

The four organizations currently provide the Jewish community’s leading support services for innovators and organizations looking to tackle today’s Jewish challenges with new ways of thinking, and to create meaningful access points to Jewish life. Through this consolidation, UpStart will leverage the best of each organization to house all innovation resources under one roof – delivering a comprehensive, streamlined suite of high-quality services to entrepreneurs, “intrapreneurs” and communities pursuing Jewish innovation.

In 2012, JVG selected two Portlanders – Steve Eisenbach-Budner (Tivnu: Building Justice) and Sarah Blattner (Tamritz: Digital Badging) – for its 2012-2014 Dual Investment Program, which awarded eight fellowships to social entrepreneurs who have the potential to “transform the Jewish landscape.”

“Jewish life has evolved in incredibly positive ways due in part to the success of our organizations, our program alumni and our visionary partners,” says Aaron Katler, CEO of the current and future UpStart. “We come together now out of a shared commitment to build on that success and to expand our capacity to serve an evolving field.”

During the transition, each organization will operate its own programs and support its current cohorts. The future UpStart board will be comprised of representatives from each organization. PresenTense’s global operations will continue separately under the PresenTense name. | | |

Biz Ins & Outs submissions

Oregon Jewish Life welcome submissions of news items for our Business Ins & Outs column. Please submit a brief writeup (up to 200 words), contact information (phone, email and/or website) and a photo of the person or product (attached jpg at largest available size). Submissions should be sent to Editor-in-Chief Deborah Moon at by the 10th of the month for inclusion in the next month’s issue.

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