Articles by Melinda Myers


The art of water-wise gardening

PHOTO: Drip irrigation systems allow you to slowly  apply water right above the plant roots, encouraging the development of deep, drought-tolerant roots. Photo courtesy Gardener’s Supply Company   Making a few changes in your garden care can yield great benefits. Less time and water wasted means more time for you to relax or entertain friends…

Keep orchids blooming

Lift your spirits, enliven your indoor décor or give the gift of beautiful blooming orchids. You’ll enjoy these exotic blossoms for months with just minimal care – once you know what to do. Start with a healthy flowering plant. The phalaenopsis or moth orchid is the most widely available and easiest to grow. It’s similar…


Fall planting brings spring flowers

Shorten the winter season with the help of spring-flowering bulbs that you plant in fall. These beauties often provide the first bit of color and fragrance each year. Look for new and unique ways to incorporate bulbs into your landscape. Create a seasonal water feature with a river of blue scillas and grape hyacinths meandering…

Help your landscape beat the heat this summer

Summer has arrived and for many gardeners that means heat, drought and watering bans. This can be hard on gardeners as well as their landscapes. The good news is that there are ways to help plants thrive despite these seasonal challenges. Adjusting landscape care accordingly during the summer months can provide relief not only for…