A Jewish Message for our Communities

We wanted to share this message from Rabbi Motti Wilhelm, Rabbi & Executive Director of Chabad Center for Jewish Life in Portland:
Chaveirim – Friends,
As professionals in Jewish community our constituents look to us for a message of faith and Jewish approach during this time of uncertainty and chaos.
Allow me to share some thoughts in this regard:
“In the beginning G-d created”: The world is intentionally and beautifully created by the Divine who is intricately involved in its governance and details. 
There are two modalities of Divine intervention represented in the holidays of Purim and Pesach between which we find ourselves. 
Purim – Through the natural order
The Purim story is one that weaves through several years and a series of natural events. Achashveirosh chooses Esther. Haman plots against the Jews. Esther reveals her nationality and the Jews are saved. Only upon reflection of the “whole megillah” is it clear that the  Divine hand brought this all about. 
Pesach – Supernatural Intervention 
Pesach represents a Divine intervention on a supernatural level, water becomes blood, the sea splits and all. Nature has no control. The Divine hand is clear and apparent in its miraculous intervention.
As we follow the guidance of our health experts, wash our hands well and scientists the world over search for cures, we turn to Torah study, prayer and acts of Tzedakah to bring about the Divine blessing and assistance to these efforts.
Whether in a supernatural Pesach like manner or through the discovery of the wonders of nature similar to Purim, we know that in the days and months ahead we are not alone. 
As my colleague Rabbi Aron Moss wrote this morning “Wash your hands well. And every time you do, remember whose hands you are in.”
Wishing you and the world over – Shabbat Shalom.
May Shabbat bring healing and tranquility.