In the past week, the Anti-Defamation League has received multiple reports of video teleconferencing meetings, including religious services, remote learning, and gym classes, being infiltrated by individuals posting antisemitic images, anti-LGBTQ messages, pornography, and threatening messages. We have identified a known white supremacist as being responsible for at least one of these attacks. This new way of disseminating hate, commonly referred to as “Zoombombing,” represents a trend ADL is seeing emerge nationwide.
As the Passover and Easter holidays approach and communities host virtual services, I urge you and your community members to take added precautions when hosting teleconference meetings. ADL’s tips on how to prevent Zoombombing are available here.
Keeping communities safe from hate, whether online or in person, remains a top priority. Our community stands united in prioritizing vigilance while staying safe, healthy and refusing to be intimidated.
Like many of you, ADL is currently working from home; but, nevertheless, still available to assist the community. As a reminder, any incidents that may occur can be reported to us online via our incident report form.