Tree of Life Supports Christchurch Muslim Community

PHOTO: Following the mosque attacks in New Zealand, Tree of Life synagogue members posted this sign in front of the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh. Having survived the Oct. 27, 2018, shooting at Tree of Life that took the lives of 11 worshippers, congregants had a sense of kinship with another congregation invaded during worship.

Tree of Life*Or L’Simcha Congregation in Pittsburgh is raising funds to support the victims of the mosque attacks in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Members of Tree of Life congregation extend their deepest condolences to the families, friends and neighbors impacted by the March 15 attacks on two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. To the families going through the most difficult moments in their lives, Tree of Life and the Jewish community of Pittsburgh say: Our hearts are with you.

In an effort to comfort the suffering Muslim community there and promote its recovery, Tree of Life has established a GoFundMe campaign to support the victims and their families. Its goal is to raise $100,000.


HOW TO DONATE: Donate online via GoFundMe – with Tree of Life Stands with the Christchurch Mosques


TIMING:  The GoFundMe site went live on Sunday, March 17.


WHY: To show that love is stronger than hate. Tree of Life feels compelled to come to the aid of the victims of the March 15 attacks on the mosques in Christchurch, just as people around the world and of many faiths had supported it and the Pittsburgh Jewish community when a gunman murdered 11 Jewish worshippers here in October 2018. Tree of Life members recall in particular the immediate, overwhelming support they received from their Muslim brothers and sisters in Pittsburgh.

DETAILS: Tree of Life is working with GoFundMe to ensure that all funds are transferred to an organization authorized to provide support to the Christchurch families and community. All funds are being safely held by the Direct Impact Fund in the meantime. Tree of Life is actively researching the appropriate organizations in New Zealand to receive the money raised and will provide additional information about the distribution of funds as soon as it becomes available.

Direct Impact Fund is an independent, public charity in the United States. Donations may be tax-deductible for U.S. donors; donation receipts will be emailed after the campaign ends.

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