
Young adults invited to PDX Community Hackathon

The PDX Community Hackathon invites Jewish professionals in their 20s and 30s for a free weekend of networking and community teamwork.

The weekend kicks off with a festive and fun camp-style Shabbat dinner. 6-8:30 pm May 19 at the Mittleman Jewish Community Center. The main program will be 9 am-5 pm, May 21, at the MJCC.

“Hackathon is about creating a community for natives and transplants alike that connects Jews with different upbringings to create a cohesive young Jewish Portland,” says Nadine Astrakhan, Hackathon steering committee. “For those who aren’t looking to sit idly while others find a community for them, Hackathon brings together teams of thinkers to network, make new friends and better the world around them.”

The PDX Community Hackathon is centered on an energizing event that convenes a diverse array of local stakeholders to generate, prototype and pitch solutions to a shared challenge. The challenge our community Hackathon is addressing is how to create sustained engagement of young Jewish adults throughout the greater Portland area. The methodology encourages collaboration and breaks down barriers, while fostering a creative and experimental environment.  Participants don’t just talk about solutions: they build them, in cross-functional teams that represent a variety of perspectives. The result is a more connected community whose members design the programs and services they wish to see. Team proposals will be voted on by a panel of judges and receive funding for implementation.

The event is sponsored by Community Hackathon PDX, The Covenant Foundation, OneTable, Upstart, the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland, B’nai B’rith Camp, Chabad of Oregon, Congregation Beth Israel, Congregation Neveh Shalom, Jews Next Dor, Portland Kollel, Mittleman Jewish Community Center, Moishe House, OJCF Giving Council, Oregon Jewish Museum & Center for Holocaust Education, PDX Pathways and Portland Jewish Academy.

Reserve spot:

2017 Song of Miriam brunch June 4

Honorees have been announced for this year’s Song of Miriam awards brunch. The Song of Miriam Awards honor women who volunteer their time and energy to ensure the continuity and vibrancy of the Jewish community of Oregon and Southwest Washington. Twenty organizations chose outstanding women to be honored for their volunteer activities and dedication to promotion of Jewish life and values. This is the 25th annual awards brunch, which is sponsored by the Jewish Women’s Round Table. JWRT’s mission is to strengthen the Jewish community by honoring the excellent work of women volunteers and bringing the community together to celebrate Jewish life.

This year’s brunch will be 10 am to 12:15 pm, June 4, at the Mittleman Jewish Community Center, 6651 SW Capitol Highway, Portland.

The 2017 honorees are:

Eve Berry of Havurah Shalom, Erin David of  Beit Haverim, Peg Elefant of Portland Hadassah, Steffanie Goldsmith of Congregation Neveh Shalom, Judith Havas of Temple Beth Sholom (Salem),  Melissa Horowitz of Portland Jewish Academy, Naomi Leavitt of Jewish Family and Child Service, Sari Pill of Kol Shalom, Erica Schiff Press of Portland Jewish Academy, Diane Lowensohn of Women of Reform Judaism/Beth Israel Sisterhood, Robin McAlpine of Cedar Sinai Park, Marcy Morris of Friends of Robison, Robyn Pekala of Beit Am, Bonnie Robbins of Congregation Shir Tikvah, Janine Segal of Mittleman Jewish Community Center, Lois Shenker of the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland, Thelma Solomon of Congregation Shaarie Torah Sisterhood, Joan Stiber of Congregation Kesser Israel, Helen Tevlin of Congregation P’nai Or, Allison Wetchler of Congregation Kol Ami.
To find out more about the Jewish Women’s Round Table, the history of the Song of Miriam awards, a list of past honorees, and the JWRT Board, go to our website at

Reservations form at  For Reservations postmarked by Thursday, May 24, the cost of the brunch is $25; after May 24, the cost is $32. The charge for children 12 and under is $10, and $36 for Patrons. These amounts include a 3% donation to Mazon.

Please make your check out to the Jewish Women’s Round Table or JWRT, listing the names and type of reservation (Patron or Guest), and send them to Jerrie Roth, 1231 SW Texas St., Portland, OR 97219.

Families and friends are encouraged to attend this annual community event. For questions, call Jerrie Roth at 503-246-4367 or e-mail Leslye Epstein at

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