New Rabbi for Ahavath Achim


An important message was sent by Mark Berkovitch, president of Ahavath Achim on April 18:

Dear Congregation Ahavath Achim Members,

I hope this email finds you and your family in good health and that you are finding your connection to Judaism and to our congregation a source of comfort during these difficult times.

It is with a heavy heart I have to share with you that Rabbi and Eve Levy have accepted a new position at the L’ Chaim Center in Deerfield, Illinois and will be leaving us June 9th. Eve and Gadi have been an incredible asset to our community and of course, we will miss them. We do wish them the very best with their new adventure.

When we heard about the Levy’s leaving, a Rabbi search committee was formed and looked at several different options to ensure continuity. As a result, the board has decided to hire Rabbi Sholom Skolnik who presently teaches at Mayan Torah. Being local, we plan to begin integrating him into the Ahavath Achim community immediately. Please welcome him, his wife Chaviva and their family to our congregation.

Please mark your calendars for a farewell event on June 6th. We will be having two events, one earlier for the Ahavath Achim family and then later a community event. We look forward to seeing you then.

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