‘Mocktail’ Recipes Fight Hunger in Portland Schools


By Michael Alberty | For The Oregonian/OregonLive

Jake Chisholm didn’t set out to publish an award-winning recipe booklet. He just wanted a big party.

Chisholm is an 8th grader at the Portland Jewish Academy in Southwest Portland. He also isn’t Jewish. Last year, as many of his friends were hosting bar mitzvah celebrations, Chisholm felt left out. He was eager to throw his own “not-mitzvah” party; his parents recommended earning it with an act of public service.

Chisholm rose to the challenge by self-publishing a booklet of “mocktail” recipes to raise money for Portland Backpack’s mission to feed school children.

Given his love for cooking, Chisholm initially thought about writing a cookbook. When he figured out how long that might take, he turned to mocktails. A party, after all, waits for no quiche recipe.

The appletini didn’t fall far from the tree. Chisholm, who lives in Southwest Portland, has learned a lot by watching his father create cocktails in the family kitchen. His marketing skills have been honed by a mother who owns a wine store.

Read the entire story here.

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