Israeli Jewish Antifa hacks KKK website


Photo: A screenshot is seen of the website for the white supremacist organization the Patriotic Brigade Knights of the Klu Klux Klan after it was hacked.

A website belonging to the Patriotic Brigade Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, an organization affiliated with the white supremacist Ku Klux Klan (KKK), was hacked by an anti-fascist Israeli organization, exposing pictures, names and personal information of many of the organizations’ members.

While the website originally consisted of white supremacist imagery as well as a link to join them, the hack completely altered the entirety of the webpage.

In an exclusive statement to The Jerusalem Post, the hackers identified themselves as an anti-fascist collective by the name Hayalim Almonim – Hebrew for Anonymous Soldiers.

“Our objective is to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of humanity,” they told the Post.

Neo-Nazi and other white supremacist groups believe that Jews have an all-seeing eye. Our desire is to make their fantasies a reality, and exploit their conspiracy theories as a form of psychological warfare. We want them to know, wherever they are in the world that will find them and expose them. We will destroy their lives. And we will bathe in their tears, and mock at the gnashing of their teeth. There is nowhere that is beyond our reach.”

Following the initial hack, the phrase “SHABBAT SHALOM! GOODNIGHT WHITE PRIDE ;)” was shown on full display on the top of the website, alongside other phrases such as “JEWISH SOLIDARITY WITH ALL OPPRESSED PEOPLES,” “NEVER AGAIN” and the Hebrew phrase “Od Avinu Chai!!! Am Yisraeil Chai!!!”

Read the entire article here.

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