Golden age for aging

While researching stories for our Actively Senior section, I learned a lot of interesting facts about the aging face of America. It’s all good. Seniors today generally enjoy better physical health, financial comfort and respect.

According to AARP, 10,000 Americans turn 65 each day, and they can look forward to a healthy life ahead. Men turning 65 this year can expect to live, on average, to age 84.3; women, until age 86.6. And 1 in 10 of us will thrive past 95. That’s two or three more decades of adventure that you don’t want to miss.

AARP also reports that seniors benefit greatly from exercise. This is backed up by a study at Hebrew University Medical Center and Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, which reported that seniors who do any amount of exercise appear to live longer and have a lower risk of disability. In addition, the benefits associated with exercise were seen not only in individuals who maintained an existing level of physical activity, but also in those who began exercising between ages 70 and 85.

The American Council on Exercise notes: “The best way to keep fit is to choose exercises you enjoy. Favorites among some older adults include aqua aerobics, yoga, Pilates, tai chi, line dancing, square dancing, ballroom dancing or simply walking the dog. … Look at your retirement or senior years as an opportunity to do things you have never done before.”

Some people are rejecting retirement and continuing to work into their 90s; for some, it is a financial necessity, for others, it is a passion for what they do. According to the U.S. Department of Labor statistics, more than 1.2 million people 75 and older work full- or part-time; by 2019, more than 40% of Americans aged 55-plus will be working.

Those statistics come to life in the stories in this section.

We feature seniors who are acting and giving to improve the world now and for future generations. Some of our seniors are stepping out to experience new adventures. We offer resources to help you improve your physical health and your online security.

Getting old may have its challenges, but it also has many rewards.

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