
Kabbalat Shabbat Dinner & Service @ Havurah Shalom
Apr 8 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Havurah’s catered Kabbalat Shabbat Dinner begins at 6:30 pm, followed by a Kabbalat Shabbat Service at 7:30 pm. The dinner is vegetarian, and we offer dairy-free, gluten-free, and nut-free options. You’re invited to bring wine or juice to celebrate Shabbat. Childcare is available for kids age 2 to 8.

RSVPs are required for all who plan to attend the dinner. Please RSVP at by Monday, April 4.

Whether or not you attend the dinner, we hope you’ll join us for our musical and joy-filled Kabbalat Shabbat Service. The service will be led by Rabbi Joey and Havurah musicians, and is sponsored by Havurah’s Tikkun Olam Committee, with a focus on welcoming refugees.

Abrahamic Thanksgiving Worship Service @ Westminster Presbyterian Church
Nov 23 @ 6:00 pm

Everyone is welcome to attend this special Interfaith Thanksgiving worship service at the Westminster Presbyterian Church (1624 NE Hancock St, Portland OR). Speakers include Rabbi David Kosak, Rev. Gregg Neel & Imam Abdulah Polovina. 6:00pm: Refreshments; 6:30pm: Worship Service; 7:20pm: Buffet Dinner. Please RSVP by November 15 to

Neveh Shalom’s Ugly Hanukkah Sweater Party! @ Congregation Neveh Shalom
Dec 27 @ 6:00 pm

Come one, come all and join us for the CNS annual Chanukah party. There will be a fish/dairy dinner with latkes, music by the Koleinu Choir, prizes for the ugliest sweater, a donut bar and more. Bring your own menorah and candles for a community lighting. And bring multi-packs for unused toilet paper – the Men’s Club is working to wipe away poverty. They will build a giant TP menorah and then donate it all to Neighborhood House. Cost for dinner: $15/adult, $9/child, $48 family max.

RSVP at: