
Jewish Community Orchestra Young Artist Showcase and Silent Auction @ Mittleman Jewish Community Center
Feb 11 @ 2:00 pm – 5:15 pm

Silent Auction at 2:00 PM, Concert at 3:00 PM

Turina – La Procession du Rocio. Shostakovich – Cello Concerto No. 1 mvmt. 1, Kira Wang, soloist. Mendelssohn – Violin concerto in e minor, op. 64 mvmt. 1, Ian Song, soloist. Smetana – Three Dances from “The Bartered Bride.” Poulenc – Piano Concerto mvmt. 1, Alyssa Shi, soloist. R achmaninoff – Piano Concerto No. 2 in c minor, op. 18 mvmt. III, Jenna Tu, soloist.

Tickets are available at the door on the day of the concert.

  • General Admission: $10
  • Senior Citizens: $8
  • Students: $5
Casino Night @ Celebrate Conference Center
Apr 21 @ 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm

Beit Haverim is having a Casino Night including Black Jack, Craps and Roulette.   It should be fun and tasty! There are some spectacular prizes, including:  a weekend at a beach house, Blazer tickets, a private party at Portland distillery, restaurant gift cards, wine tastings, Timber tickets, ice skating and bowling parties, clothing store gift cards and more!

Everyone is welcome, and the more we have, the more fun it will be.


11th Annual Sara Glasgow Cogan Memorial Lecture with Dr. Timothy Snyder (Yale) @ Porland State University - Smith Ballroom
Apr 25 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
11th Annual Sara Glasgow Cogan Memorial Lecture with Dr. Timothy Snyder (Yale) @ Porland State University - Smith Ballroom | Portland | Oregon | United States

What: A public lecture by Timothy Snyder titled “Resisting Tyranny: Lessons from the European 20th Century”
When: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 | Doors open at 7:00pm, Lecture begins at 7:30pm
Where: Smith Memorial Student Union Ballroom (SMSU 355) NOTE: This location has changed
Cost: Free and open to the public.
Contact: Stacey Johnston | | 503-725-8449

Please join us for the 11th Annual Sara Glasgow Cogan Memorial Lecture “Resisting Tyranny: Lessons from the European 20th Century” featuring Timothy Snyder of Yale University. If you would like to RSVP for this event, each individual may fill out the RSVP form online or contact our office at

This event is made possible thanks to the generous support of Professor Emeritus Nathan Cogan, the Cogan Family, and the Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education.

Cosponsored by the Oregon Jewish Community FoundationThe Jewish Federation of Greater Portland, The Oregon Historical Society, The Mittleman Jewish Community Center/Portland Jewish Academy, the Russian Flagship program, and the Holocaust and Genocide Studies Project.

Community Sukkah Building @ Mittleman Jewish Community Center
Sep 23 @ 10:00 am

Community Sukkah Building

Help build our community Sukkah! Fun for kids and adults! Bring your own decorations or create some while you are here to hang up in the Sukkah! An adult supervises all activities.

Pizza in the Sukkah @ Mittleman Jewish Community Center
Sep 26 @ 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm

Pizza in the Sukkah

Join friends and family for an evening of great food, schmoozing, singing, and storytelling!

Cost: $15 per family.
Register by Sept. 23:

In partnership with PJA

Apr 9 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Cedar Sinai Park and the residents of Rose Schnitzer Manor invite you and your elderly loved ones to a vitally important and educational program on the nature of memory. Medical expert Dr. Scott Losk of the Memory Health Center will help us understand what’s normal when it comes to memory loss and what’s not. Along the way he may allay  your fears. Dr. Losk is a clinical psychologist and neuropsychologist who has maintained a clinical and research practice with Summit Research Network in Portland, OR since 1990. He has conducted over 50 clinical trials in Alzheimer’s disease since 1990 and has done research on all of the current FDA-approved drugs for Alzheimer’s disease. He was involved in the very earliest research that led to the first-ever treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. For more information on memory-related concerns we encourage you to visit online at or, better yet, join us in Rose Schnitzer Manor’s Zidell Hall April 9t

Dr. Losk’s talk is  is just one of over 75 activities, programs and events happening daily at Rose Schnitzer Manor.  Our daily offerings and services run the gamut from a resident-led series on genetics to Tai Chi and yoga to religious observances. We offer  food for the body and food for the soul. Visit us and learn more.

4th Annual Scholar-in-Residence with Rabbi Elana Zaiman @ Congregation Neveh Shalom
Nov 6 @ 6:00 pm – Nov 10 @ 12:00 pm

CNS and the Suher family announce the fourth annual Scholar in Residence program in memory of Yoni Suher (z”l), featuring Rabbi Elana Zaiman, author of Forever Letters. More at:

Wed, Nov 6, 6pm Dinner, 7-8:30pm Talk – Navigating the Teen Years: Opening the Door to Conversation and Connection

Fri, Nov 8, 7:15-9:00pmpm dinner and talk – Connecting In These Times of Political and Social Unrest

Sat, Nov 9, 12:15-2:00pm lunch and study – What Makes a Forever Letter Resonate

Sun, Nov 10, 9am-12pm brunch and talk – The Forever Letter Writing Experience

Complimentary meals are provided at each talk with RSVP.

RSVP at: or contact:, 503.246.8831. Seating is limited.

About Rabbi Elana Zaiman

Rabbi Elana Zaiman, the author of The Forever Letter is the first woman Rabbi from a family spanning six generations of Rabbis. She’s also a chaplain and travels throughout the US and Canada as a Scholar-in-Residence, speaker and workshop facilitator.

Through empowering stories, sample letters and writing tips, Rabbi Zaiman serves as our guide on a journey into Forever Letters, what they are, why write them, and how they can deepen, heal and uplift our relationships. Elana lives with her husband and son in Seattle. 

“More than any time in our recent history, it’s critically important for families to come together and share their love and support of one another. Elana Zaiman’s The Forever Letter offers tools, guidelines, and examples for grandparents and parents to share their love, respect, and values with the next generation.”  –Jack Canfield, co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul 

This event, including all meals, is underwritten by the Stan and Ethel Katz Briller Jewish Education Fund of the Oregon Jewish Community Foundation and the Yoni Suher Fund of Congregation Neveh Shalom.

**This event, including all meals, is underwritten by the Stan and Ethel Katz Briller Jewish Education Fund of the Oregon Jewish Community Foundation and the Yoni Suher Fund of Congregation Neveh Shalom.**

Please note: Programs are subject to change; please contact the office for more information: 503.246.8831 or visit the website at:

Navigating the Teen Years: 4th Annual Scholar-in-Residence with Rabbi Elana Zaiman @ Congregation Neveh Shalom
Nov 6 @ 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Wed, Nov 6, 6pm Dinner, 7-8:30pm Talk

Navigating the Teen Years: Opening the Door to Conversation and Connection

Teens, parents, and grandparents, using texts and stories, will explore how to create greater connection during these years and beyond.

Complimentary meal provided with RSVP.

RSVP at:

or contact:, 503.246.8831. Seating is limited.

About Rabbi Elana Zaiman

Rabbi Elana Zaiman, the author of The Forever Letter is the first woman Rabbi from a family spanning six generations of Rabbis. She’s also a chaplain and travels throughout the US and Canada as a Scholar-in-Residence, speaker and workshop facilitator.

Through empowering stories, sample letters and writing tips, Rabbi Zaiman serves as our guide on a journey into Forever Letters, what they are, why write them, and how they can deepen, heal and uplift our relationships.

Elana lives with her husband and son in Seattle.

“More than any time in our recent history, it’s critically important for families to come together and share their love and support of one another. Elana Zaiman’s The Forever Letter offers tools, guidelines, and examples for grandparents and parents to share their love, respect, and values with the next generation.”

–Jack Canfield, co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul

This event, including all meals, is underwritten by the Stan and Ethel Katz Briller Jewish Education Fund of the Oregon Jewish Community Foundation and the Yoni Suher Fund of Congregation Neveh Shalom.

** This event, including all meals, is underwritten by the Stan and Ethel Katz Briller Jewish Education Fund of the Oregon Jewish Community Foundation and the Yoni Suher Fund of Congregation Neveh Shalom. **

Please note: Programs are subject to change; please contact the office for more information: 503.246.8831 or visit the website at:

Connecting In These Times of Political and Social Unrest; 4th Annual Scholar-in-Residence with Rabbi Elana Zaiman @ Congregation Neveh Shalom
Nov 8 @ 7:15 pm – 8:30 pm

Fri, Nov 8, 7:15-9:00pm dinner and talk

Connecting In These Times of Political and Social Unrest

What we are feeling is real and we are not alone.

Through stories and teachings, Rabbi Zaiman helps us to better connect with ourselves and with the ones we love.


Complimentary meal provided with RSVP.

RSVP at:

or contact:, 503.246.8831. Seating is limited.

About Rabbi Elana Zaiman

Rabbi Elana Zaiman, the author of The Forever Letter is the first woman Rabbi from a family spanning six generations of Rabbis. She’s also a chaplain and travels throughout the US and Canada as a Scholar-in-Residence, speaker and workshop facilitator.

Through empowering stories, sample letters and writing tips, Rabbi Zaiman serves as our guide on a journey into Forever Letters, what they are, why write them, and how they can deepen, heal and uplift our relationships.

Elana lives with her husband and son in Seattle.

“More than any time in our recent history, it’s critically important for families to come together and share their love and support of one another. Elana Zaiman’s The Forever Letter offers tools, guidelines, and examples for grandparents and parents to share their love, respect, and values with the next generation.”

–Jack Canfield, co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul

This event, including all meals, is underwritten by the Stan and Ethel Katz Briller Jewish Education Fund of the Oregon Jewish Community Foundation and the Yoni Suher Fund of Congregation Neveh Shalom.

** This event, including all meals, is underwritten by the Stan and Ethel Katz Briller Jewish Education Fund of the Oregon Jewish Community Foundation and the Yoni Suher Fund of Congregation Neveh Shalom. **

Please note: Programs are subject to change; please contact the office for more information: 503.246.8831 or visit the website at:

What Makes a Forever Letter Resonate; 4th Annual Scholar-in-Residence with Rabbi Elana Zaiman @ Congregation Neveh Shalom
Nov 9 @ 12:15 pm – 2:00 pm

Sat, Nov 9, 12:15-2:00pm lunch and study

What Makes a Forever Letter Resonate

Sharing values, wisdom, and experiences from medieval times to today, Rabbi Zaiman will look at excerpts of letters as templates for creating Forever Letters of our own.


Complimentary lunch provided with RSVP.

RSVP at:

or contact:, 503.246.8831. Seating is limited.

About Rabbi Elana Zaiman

Rabbi Elana Zaiman, the author of The Forever Letter is the first woman Rabbi from a family spanning six generations of Rabbis. She’s also a chaplain and travels throughout the US and Canada as a Scholar-in-Residence, speaker and workshop facilitator.

Through empowering stories, sample letters and writing tips, Rabbi Zaiman serves as our guide on a journey into Forever Letters, what they are, why write them, and how they can deepen, heal and uplift our relationships.

Elana lives with her husband and son in Seattle.

“More than any time in our recent history, it’s critically important for families to come together and share their love and support of one another. Elana Zaiman’s The Forever Letter offers tools, guidelines, and examples for grandparents and parents to share their love, respect, and values with the next generation.”

–Jack Canfield, co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul

This event, including all meals, is underwritten by the Stan and Ethel Katz Briller Jewish Education Fund of the Oregon Jewish Community Foundation and the Yoni Suher Fund of Congregation Neveh Shalom.

** This event, including all meals, is underwritten by the Stan and Ethel Katz Briller Jewish Education Fund of the Oregon Jewish Community Foundation and the Yoni Suher Fund of Congregation Neveh Shalom. **

Please note: Programs are subject to change; please contact the office for more information: 503.246.8831 or visit the website at: