
Yom Yerushalayim @ Mittleman Jewish Community Center
May 24 @ 6:00 pm

Join as we celebrate Jerusalem Day!


Shavout Cheesecake Bake Off @ Mittleman Jewish Community Center
May 30 @ 5:15 pm – 6:15 pm

Enter your best Cheesecake recipe in this fun food lovers contest for Shavuot! Vote for your favorite! Non-Kosher entries are accepted.

Recipes due: Friday, May 26h to Len Steinberg at

Entries Due: 2:00 PM day of event

Tasting/Judging: 5:15 – 6:15 PM, Winner announced immediately and recipe shared with community.

Jewish Community Orchestra Season Finale @ Mittleman Jewish Community Center
Jun 11 @ 3:00 pm

For more than 40 years, the Jewish Community Orchestra has combined standard classical fare with works by Jewish composers, or works relating to Jewish themes and historical events. As amateur musicians, the JCO’s goal is to further the growth of local artists by presenting concerts that attract, educate and entertain the audience. All JCO concerts are Sunday afternoons at the MJCC.

Verdi – Nabucco Overture

Delibes – Sylvia Ballet Suite

Avshalomov – Elegy for strings

American Prize Winner in Composition

Dvorak – American Suite

Children under 6 free. Tickets at the door.

In partnership with the MJCC.

MJCC Day Camp Kick-off Party! @ Mittleman Jewish Community Center
Jun 22 @ 4:00 pm

Summer Day Camp party!
Thursday, June 22
4:00 pm

JGSO: Ellis Island Name Change Myth & “Finding “Waldo” at Ellis Island @ Congregation Ahavath Achim
Oct 8 @ 10:30 am – 12:30 pm

The Jewish Genealogical Society of Oregon invites you, your family and friends to its upcoming program on two topics – Ellis Island Name Change Myth & “Finding “Waldo” At Ellis Island presented by Joel Weintraub

Ellis Island Name Change Myth
The idea that inspectors at Ellis Island regularly Americanized immigrant names is a persistent myth. We will investigate the evidence that should exist (it doesn’t) to confirm the story as fact, and why name changing at the station was improbable given how immigrants were processed. The history of this immigration station, the types of people who passed through their doors, the legal documents (including their name) they came with, and station detention documents generated for about 1/6 of them, will be discussed with actual examples. Note: be prepared to avoid deportation by Inspector Weintraub.

Finding “Waldo” At Ellis Island
Using a case study, we will show how nine different strategies can be used to find the immigration record of an elusive immigrant to Ellis Island. For those who still cannot locate Ellis Island immigration records of their ancestors, this talk may provide some approaches you might not have tried. The difficulty of providing accurate indexes from transcriptions of ship manifests is a major problem associated with many of these strategies. We will see how well you do as a transcriber of manifest names.

Bio: Joel, a New Yorker by birth, is an emeritus Professor at California State University Fullerton and won awards for his science teaching. He volunteered for nine years at the National Archives and Records Administration. Joel created search tools for the U.S. and New York City censuses that are freely available on the Steve Morse “One-Step” website. He and Steve are currently developing locational tools for the 2022 release of the 1950 federal census. Joel has written and talked on NYC and Federal census research, immigration and naturalization, Ellis Island, biographical research, and Jewish genealogy topics.

Living While Dying – A Documentary Film by Cathy Zheutlin @ Clinton Street Theater
Nov 28 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Personal Debut of Living While Dying
A story of life. A story of death. Finding joy in the journey.
Admission by donation, suggested $5-10 
Join filmmaker & P’nai Or member Cathy Zheutlin on a journey to discover how to come to terms with mortality.
“Death kept showing up. So I picked up a camera to document my friends with terminal illnesses, and sought the advice of a death walker and Aboriginal elder in Australia. Now death prompts my conversations with my beloved 91-year-old mom. Living while dying is a wholehearted look at vulnerability and courage as baby boomers reclaim the end of life.”
Co-sponsored by P’nai Or of Portland
JGSO: Read All About It!: Using Online Newspapers For Genealogical Research @ Congregation Ahavath Achim
Dec 3 @ 10:30 am – 12:30 pm

The Jewish Genealogical Society of Oregon invites you, your family and friends to its upcoming program “Read All About It!: Using Online Newspapers For Genealogical Research” by Janice M. Sellers

Description: Newspapers are valuable in genealogical research because you can find information about births, marriages, deaths, moves, business, naturalizations, court cases, and more. Millions of pages of the world’s newspapers are now accessible online, but there is no one place to find them all. This class provides an overview of what is available online and techniques to help improve your chances of finding information about your relatives.

Bio: Janice M. Sellers is a professional genealogist specializing in Jewish, black, forensic, and newspaper research. She edits three genealogy publications and serves on the boards of San Francisco Bay Area Jewish Genealogical Society, African American Genealogical Society of Northern California, and Council for the Advancement of Forensic Genealogy. She is also a member of Association of Professional Genealogists, Genealogical Speakers Guild, and California Genealogical Society. Before becoming a professional genealogist, she worked in publishing for many years as an editor, indexer, translator, and compositor. Her web site is

Jewish Community Orchestra Young Artist Showcase and Silent Auction @ Mittleman Jewish Community Center
Feb 11 @ 2:00 pm – 5:15 pm

Silent Auction at 2:00 PM, Concert at 3:00 PM

Turina – La Procession du Rocio. Shostakovich – Cello Concerto No. 1 mvmt. 1, Kira Wang, soloist. Mendelssohn – Violin concerto in e minor, op. 64 mvmt. 1, Ian Song, soloist. Smetana – Three Dances from “The Bartered Bride.” Poulenc – Piano Concerto mvmt. 1, Alyssa Shi, soloist. R achmaninoff – Piano Concerto No. 2 in c minor, op. 18 mvmt. III, Jenna Tu, soloist.

Tickets are available at the door on the day of the concert.

  • General Admission: $10
  • Senior Citizens: $8
  • Students: $5
JGSO: Jewish Life in Poland @ Congregation Ahavath Achim
Oct 7 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

The Jewish Genealogical Society of Oregon invites you, your family and friends to its upcoming program “Jewish Life in Poland” by Avraham Groll.

Description: Part 1 (10th-15th centuries) will explore patterns of Jewish migration to Poland between the 10th-15th centuries. We will discuss when and why the major shifts happened, where the Jews settled and their involvement in the Poland’s development. This presentation is designed for beginners, and is not a workshop. Maps, pictures, and documents will be displayed. Handouts with further information and a bibliography will also be distributed.

Part 2 (16th-18th centuries) will explore patterns of Jewish migration to Poland between the 16th-18th centuries. We will discuss the “Golden Age of Polish Jewry,” the reaction to Shabtai Tzvi, and how the Jewish experience in Poland helped set the stage, in part, for the eventual rise of the Hasidic movement. This presentation is designed for beginners, and is not a workshop. Maps, pictures, and documents will be displayed. Handouts

Bio: Avraham Groll, the Director of, is passionate about connecting people with their Jewish roots, and helping them experience what it means to be part of the Jewish people. Avraham holds an MBA from Montclair State University, an MA in Judaic Studies from Touro College, and a BS in Business Administration from Ramapo college, and spent two years studying at Yeshiva Ohr Yeruslahayim in Israel. He is a frequent lecturer on a variety of Jewish genealogical and historical topics.

Opening Night – Peace & Justice Exhibit @ Mittleman Jewish Community Center
Dec 16 @ 4:00 pm

Opening Night – Peace & Justice Exhibit

Artists Sara Harwin, Kanaan Kanaan and Inga Dubay explore the tradition of sacred letters in Hebrew, Arabic & English calligraphy in many forms of art expression. They each have a creative voice dedicated to peace & justice. “Inga Dubay, Kanaan Kanaan and I come from three different lettering traditions, yet when we each speak about our journeys, we seek to touch upon a sacred, spiritual path,” says Harwin.

Please join us for an opening panel discussion with light snacks, followed by a viewing of the exhibit.

Free and open to the community.