
Havurah Shalom Tashlich Service at Sellwood Riverfront Park @ Sellwood Riverfront Park
Sep 14 @ 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm

Please join the Havurah community as we gather at Sellwood Riverfront Park to perform the Tashlich ceremony. We seek to symbolically “cast away” our accumulated sins and transgressions, so that we may purify our hearts and our souls as the New Year begin. This event is free and open to the public, but reservations are required.

Bring something to share at the vegetarian potluck immediately following Tashlich. What to bring by Last Name: A-G Salad or Dessert/H-Z Vegetarian Main Dish. Plus, bring drinks for yourself and your family. Havurah will provide some drinks and ice. AND DON’T FORGET THE BREADCRUMBS! Led by Emily Teplin Fox and Rachel Oh. Music provided by Steven Mesulam, Scott Snyder, Aaron Pearlman and others.

Please RSVP to with the names of family members and the names and ages of your children who plan to attend.

Dorot – Short & Sweet Shabbat @ Havurah Shalom
Oct 30 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

Havurah’s Dorot “Short & Sweet” Shabbat service was created to welcome families with young children, but the service and potluck are for all ages! Young ones look up to the older ones, and older ones enjoy the younger ones’ joy and singing. A casual, family-friendly and music-filled service, it begins with candle lighting, Kiddush and challah, and continues with prayers and music led by Havurah members.

After the service, we’ll enjoy a vegetarian potluck dinner. Please bring a kid-friendly main dish. For more information and to RSVP, please email Feel free to invite some of your friends and family to join in as well–the more the merrier!

Havurah Shalom Services – Tashlich Service & Vegetarian Potluck @ Sellwood Riverfront Park
Oct 3 @ 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm

During this season of repentance, we are called upon to do T’shuvah, to return to God in sincerity and in truth. Please join the Havurah community as we gather at Sellwood Riverfront Park to perform the Tashlich ceremony. We seek to symbolically “cast away” our accumulated sins and transgressions, so that we may purify our hearts and our souls as the New Year begins.

We will meet at Picnic Area B. Please bring something to share at the vegetarian potluck immediately following Tashlich. What to bring by Last Name: A-G Salad or Dessert/H-Z Vegetarian Main Dish. And bring drinks for yourself and your family. Havurah will provide some drinks and ice. And don’t forget the breadcrumbs!

Please RSVP here by Sept. 19 with the names of family members and the names and ages of your children planning to attend.

Led by Rebecca Darling-Budner. Music by Steve Mesulam, Scott Snyder, and Aaron Pearlman.

Chanukah Celebration for All Ages @ Havurah Shalom
Dec 29 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Havurah’s Chanukah Celebration offers fun for all ages. A potluck oneg of plate-free desserts at 6:30 pm will be followed by candle lighting, storytelling, and singing led by Beth Hamon, Aaron Pearlman and other Havurah musicians.

For all who are interested, we’ll have a few tables of dreidel playing too. If you have a dreidel, chanukiah and/or candles, please bring them with you. We’ll add lots of light and laughter to the night!

Coming Together in Dark Times @ Havurah Shalom
Dec 30 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

We invite you to join us on Friday, Dec. 30, to welcome Shabbat, spread the light of the Chanukah candles, and share our feelings, fears, and hopes for the difficult times we are facing as a country. For those of us who came together on the Sunday after the election, it was a powerful expression of community, and there have been requests to identify some next steps. It continues to feel premature to launch a specific action plan. Instead, it seems more appropriate to gather in community, listen to how we are doing, and continue conversations about our hopes and fears about areas such as immigrants and refugees, poverty and homelessness, climate change, equity, and gun control.

We will begin by lighting the Chanukah and Shabbat candles, sing some songs, and then spend our time talking and listening. There will not be a formal Friday night service.

Please RSVP here.

“Living While Dying” – March Movie Night @ Havurah Shalom
Mar 18 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

During March Movie Night on Sunday, March 18, Havurah Shalom’s Ma’avar Committee will show “Living While Dying,” a film made by P’nai Or member Cathy Zheutlin.

Here is a brief description of the film: Death is a big mystery, and yet the outcome is 100 percent certain. How do you plan for the unknown? Filmmaker Cathy Zheutlin tells the stories of four friends with terminal illness who chose to live out their final days at home with creativity humor and courage. One might think that it would be depressing or morose. In fact, just the opposite – it is loving, hopeful and and full of joy. Despite cultural norms that death is meant to be vanquished, “Living While Dying” transforms sorrow and fear into inspiration and beauty. It honors what University of California San Francisco palliative care physician BJ Miller says, that “dying is a human act, not just a medical one.”

The film will be followed by a panel discussion with some experts in end-of-life care, many of whom are Havurah members.

Panelists include:

  • Rabbi Benjamin
  • Charles Blanke – Havurah member and OHSU oncologist specializing in end-of-life care and death with dignity
  • Karen Erde -Havurah member and palliative care physician
  • Susan Hedlund – Manager of Patient and Family Support Services at the OHSU Knight Cancer Institute. She has over 30 years of experience in oncology and hospice care, and worked on the original task force to legalize death with dignity.

A suggested donation of $10 will directly help the filmmaker so she can continue to pay for the production of this very beautiful and important film.

Please RSVP at

How to Make Your Estate Work for You: An Afternoon with Leonard Duboff @ Congregation Neveh Shalom
Dec 8 @ 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm

How to Make Your Estate Work for You: An Afternoon with Leonard Duboff

Sunday, December 8, 1:00-2:30pm

Leonard DuBoff is one of the world’s leading authorities on art law. He has pioneered the field, written extensively on the subject, and lectured all over the world.  Mr. DuBoff was a professor of law first teaching at Stanford Law School then at Lewis & Clark Law School in Portland, Oregon, for almost a quarter of a century, specializing in art law, corporations, agency partnership, and high-tech law. A member of Congregation Neveh Shalom, Mr. Duboff will provide insights into estate planning, wills and trusts, art law, and law for small business owners. Contact:

Please note: Programs are subject to change; please contact the office for more information: 503.246.8831 or visit the website at:

Wondering Jews: Laughter Yoga @ Congregation Neveh Shalom
Dec 11 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Wondering Jews: Laughter Yoga

Wednesday, December 11, 2:00-3:00pm

Join the Wondering Jews (65+) for playful laughter and mindful breathing exercises led by Stephen Rosenstock to stimulate joy and peace. All are welcome!

Please note: Programs are subject to change; please contact the office for more information: 503.246.8831 or visit the website at: